Chapter eighteen: Regret

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⚠️T/W: Swearing⚠️

Alternative name for the chapter: 'Am I proud?'

A/N: Thank you for 400+ reads!

Karl had already ran off. Everyone around looked at the king with disgust and one by one. They started to part away and enter their houses, leaving the king and Mai alone under the pouring rain, "Your majesty?" Mai said, turning to the king. 

He only turned his eyes to look at the mad sixteen-year-old dirty blonde, "What is it?" He asked, with his cold, monotone voice.

Mai crossed her arms and groaned, "Are you proud? Are you?!" She said, pushing her head closer to the king. 

The king smirked at that question and proudly turned to Mai, "Yes. Yes, I am." He answered proudly, chuckling evilly after.

Mai sighed and shook her head in disappointment, "You disgust me!" She yelled, "I hope you're satisfied, but if you aren't, you can blame yourself!" Her words were full of disgust and anger. She groaned and ran back to the castle, almost slipping and falling face first on the cobblestone because of the small puddles the rain created.

The king didn't think much of Mai's words. He just rolled his eyes and laughed, "I'm very satisfied, I'm not going to regret it or anything." He put his hands behind his back and kept laughing as he made his way to the castle door. 

The guards at the door looked at him in disgust and shook their heads before they closed the door behind him. He saw their facial expressions, but didn't bother, nor could care less. He was too happy to care at all, it's not like he cared about anything other than a pile of paper at his desk and this land ruled by him, a dumbass bitch.

The king then started skipping all the way to his office with the largest grin anyone has ever seen in their life. He was happy —ecstatic actually— about the young father and his son leaving, not even acknowledging anyone's feelings about the situation except his! He was chuckling and laughing all the way as he skipped to his office, "Finally, those two sons of a bitch are out of my face." He said as he closed the door to his office behind him and jumped in his chair. He turned to face his desk which had two stacks of paperwork for him to sign. He excitedly cracked his knuckles before picking up his quill and started reading the paper. His eyes winded when he read the word: 'proud ' Mai's words quickly started to spin around his head, sweat was dripping all over his body he started to worry, thinking if he's proud or made the right decision. He shook his head and let out a small scoff, "I made the right decision!" He paused for a moment, "Did I?" He didn't have an answer to that as he started to think he might've messed up and his doubt began to grow, "I wasn't doubtful before, why am I now?!" He shouted, putting his face in his hands and sighing out of frustration. There were going to be any papers signed—just doubtful thoughts.


The past two months have been torture to the king. His head has been full of doubtful thoughts and his son's reaction when Sapnap left was replaying in his head and how sad he was, and when Mai would come in his office. She would always look at him in disgust, making the weight of his guilt heavier. 

One day, he decided to call Mai to his office and ask her about the whole situation of him feeling like this. Mai told him it was the feeling of rue, but the king didn't believe her and told her that she was lying. Mai ended up getting a dictionary from the castle library, "Look, it says it here in the dictionary!" She said, placing the dictionary that was in her hand on the king's desk, "Bitterly regret —something one has done or allowed to happen— and wish it undone; rue." She said as she pointed at the sentence.

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