Chapter three: A Wish Come True

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Karl wished everything would go back to normal. He missed the children laughing and playing around. He missed the life the people gave the kingdom. He missed his family. He missed the feeling of happiness. He just wanted things to go back to normal. The prince hoped that someone would come and save Kinoko from its misery.

Unfortunately, that day never came.


Karl was on his balcony, still looking over Kinoko. His eyes were bloodshot from crying. He had bags under his eyes because of the lack of sleep. Poor Karl would get nightmares and flashbacks of his mother if he tried to sleep. The prince sighed and covered his face with his hands, "Karl just face it," The prince's voice cracked at the end of his sentence before he broke into silent sobs. Karl looked up at the kingdom, which looked like a dark abyss, "Kinoko is going to stay like this forever, there's no one to save it from its misery," Karl rested his elbows on the balustrade, "You'll never see the sunlight shine on the kingdom, you'll never hear the children laugh nor see them run around, you'll never smile or laugh ever again."

Karl had officially lost all hope for Kinoko to return to the joyful kingdom it was.


Karl (he's five in this flashback) and his mother were planting some flower seeds while Corry and Sean were playing with their watering cans.

Karl was watering a flower seed he put, "Mommy?" He said, as set his small watering can down.

His mother turned her gaze to him, "Yes sweetie?"

"Why aren't the seeds growing, Mommy?"

His mother giggled at his question, "The seeds don't grow instantly, Karl."

"Why don't they?" He asked, looking up at his mother.

"Great things take time, Karl, be patient and don't lose hope."

"Alright, Mommy." He smiled at his mother and she smiled back.


Karl sighed as the flashback kept repeating in his head, "I know you taught me to not lose hope and be patient, mother," Karl broke into sobs, "But I've been patient for five years in hopes that someone would save Kinoko, but let's just face it. It's going to be in its misery forever." Karl wiped his tears and entered his room, locking his balcony door behind him.

Karl threw himself on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, "Out of all kingdoms, why Kinoko? Why?" He said, the tiredness in his tone was visible. Karl turned himself so he was now laying on his stomach, trying to sleep.


Karl's mother was always interested in music and playing instruments, especially the violin. Karl had trouble sleeping ever since he was a kid. So his mother would play a soft, calming melody to lure him to sleep or make him sleep easier.

Karl was sitting up on his bed while his mother was sitting on a chair across from him. Her violin was on her lap, "Mommy, just one more time."

"Karl, I've played the same melody three times already."

"But, I can't sleep, please just one more time." Karl put his hands together as pleaded.

His mother giggled and grabbed her violin, "Alright, fine, just one more time."

"Yay!" Karl quickly tucked himself in his bed. His mother stood up and started playing her violin. After twenty minutes, Karl felt his eyelids get heavy. His vision started to turn blurry and then darkness. The melody stopped playing, "Good night Karl, sweet dreams." He heard his mother say before kissing his forehead.


Karl was sobbing in his pillow. He desperately wanted to hear that melody again. He wanted his and everyone's happiness back. He wanted to see the Sun and its light.

But there was no hope for that, or was there?

It's like someone knew Karl lost hope because he heard the melody his mother used to play to him, it sounded exactly like it and it was playing on a violin too. Karl rushed to his balcony and slowly unlocked it. He grabbed the balustrade and looked for the source of the melody, but it was pitch black; there was nothing visible. The prince decided to rest his elbows on the balustrade and listen to the melody.

Then, something unexpected happened.

A part of the clouds started to separate in the middle letting the sunlight in. The sunlight shines on the town square, where a tall, ravenette, tan male stood, playing the violin. A light brown haired toddler was beside him, hugging his leg while smiling. Karl found it adorable and smiled at the sight. Karl wished that this wasn't a dream.

Karl then felt himself getting tired. His eyelids were slowly dropping and his legs gave out, making him sit down on the cold balcony tiles. Karl's vision slowly turned to darkness while listening to the soft melody playing. Then, the sound of the melody slowly started to become blurry and faint.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short because I decided to make it simple this time. Anyway, how's your opinion on the chapter?

Word count: 824

Edited: ☑️

Hope you have a good morning or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now