Chapter eight: See You at Sunset

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A/N: Thank you for 100+ reads! I didn't really think that would happen!

A/N: My writing isn't the best here, I'm sorry.

The ravenette felt the sunlight shine through the cracks in the wooden window. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, he didn't want to get up, due his thoughts and dreams last night,"I'm so tired, all I can think about is the prince, gosh he is so- NO! Sapnap, he's a prince and you're an over-working single father and the best of it all, you met him yesterday." Sapnap groaned again and he quickly got out of bed and went to the bag he brought with him. He grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.


Sapnap was checking the cabinets in the kitchen. He was surprised when he found food in all of them, "Did they really take the time and put food here for us? How kind of them." Sapnap grabbed two eggs and started making some omelettes and putting them on a plate. He then got some fruits and started cutting them and putting them in two bowls then set them on the table as well. Sapnap heard a door open and then he felt wet arms wrap around his leg, "Morning, Noah, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah! What's for breakfast?" Noah asked, getting on the tip of his toes to look at the food. He was clearly hungry.

"An omelette and a fruit salad." Sapnap answered, looking down at Noah, "You're not wearing anything and you're soaked, Noah!" Noah ignored Sapnap's remark and he quickly tried climbing up one of the chairs. 

Sapnap chuckled and shook his head, "Calm down, Noah, there's no need to rush and let's get you dressed." Sapnap chuckled again while taking Noah's arm and dragging him to his .

"But I'm hungry." Noah whined, trying to escape his father's grasp.

"Let's get you dressed and then you'll eat."

Noah gave up and groaned, "Fine."


The two were eating their breakfast when suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Sapnap got up and answered it, only to be greeted by none other than Mai herself, except there were no guards or anything with her, "Hello, Mai, do you need help with something?" Sapnap asked.

"Karl, he wants to know if he can hang out with you at sunset, I can look after Noah again." She said with the widest grin ever.

Sapnap felt heat rise to his face, "S-Sure, I don't have anything to do." He whispered back.

Sampan  closed the door and went back to the kitchen, "Who was that, Daddy? Was it Prince Karl?!" Noah asked.

"No, it was Mai, she said Karl wants to meet us at sunset."

Noah threw his arms in the air, "Yay!" 

Sapnap has never seen Noah this excited before, "Why are you so excited?" He asked.

"I was hoping it was the prince from yesterday, Mai told me you two seemed to have so much fun together and maybe you're going to get married one day!"

Sapnap remembered his dreams from yesterday. His stomach filled with butterflies and his heartbeat went faster, "I-I'll be in the living room, alright?" 


"Mai and Dream, I'm going to kill you one day!"


The sky was a beautiful pink and orange color and there were small breezes now and then. Noah and Sapnap were walking hand in hand down a pathway in the forest. The leaves crunched at every step they took, it was calming for the two. But, Sapnap started to get memories of Arthur and how they met and what he did to him. Sapnap looked at the ground and stopped in his tracks, making Noah stop in tracks as well. He looked up at the ravenette, "Daddy?" Noah had worry laced all over his tone and face.

The ravenette turned to the worried toddler, "Sorry, zoned out for a bit." He answered, trying to hide his anger and sorrow. He already saw that Noah worried, he didn't need to worry more, "For long are you going to make him worry about you, Sapnap? For how long-" Sapnap's thoughts were interrupted by a wooden stick behind him, starling him a bit. He turned his head around, only to see Karl in green sweater and jeans, his hair hand leaves in it, and his clothes had a bit of dirt on them. Sapnap's eyes widened at the sight and he felt the feeling come back, "H-Hey! I sort of ran away from Mai and my guards." Karl said, his cheeks slowly turning red.

"Karl!" Noah shouted as he ran towards him, embracing him in a hug.

"Hey, Noah!" Karl said, hugging him back. He then looked up at Sapnap who was chuckling, "What's funny?"

Sapnap stepped closer to Karl and pointed at Karl's hair, "Your hair, it's covered in leaves, here let me get it for you." Sapnap starts to take each individual leaf out of Karl's hair and throws them on the ground, making them make eye contact each time which sends them butterflies, luckily Noah was distracted by cool rocks he found. Sapnap got an idea. He pretended to take a leaf out, instead he traced his finger along Karl's jawline and their eyes locked again, "Hey.." Sapnap said, slightly smirking.

"H-Hi.." Karl said, nervously.

Sapnap chuckled and slowly leaned in, Karl mimicking him. As their lips were about to touch, they were cut off by Noah saying: "Daddy! Look at the cool rocks I found!" He said, showing them the shining multi-colored rocks. 

"You do realize we're here, right?" Mai's voice said. Sapnap and Karl looked up and saw Mai standing there with an unimpressed look and crossing her arms while two guards were behind her.

Karl grabbed Sapnap's wrist, "Sapnap! How about I show you a cool place? Only us? Mai can look after Noah."

"Sure, I don't mind-"

"Great! Let's go!"

A/N: The first three chapters were going great and then we started with the cringe everyone. I need to re-write this book soon.

A/N: I'm only good with angst, I guess.

Word count: 963

Edited: ❌

Hope you have a good morning or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now