Chapter four: A Trip to Kinoko

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Sapnap was at the castle library with Dream while Noah was playing with Dream's husband, George, outside in the castle garden.

Sapnap was going through books, taking them out and putting them back on the shelf. Dream was while flipping through pages in the book he was reading, "Hey, Sap." The dirty blonde said, turning his head to his ravenette friend.

Sapnap stopped going through the books. He slowly turned his head to his dirty blonde, shooting him with a glare, "Shut your goddamn mouth we're in a library." He whisper-shouted at the dirty blonde.

Dream rested his head in his hand and looked around the library with his eyes, "But, we're the only ones here." Dream said, chuckling while closing his book. 

Sapnap sighed, rolling his eyes and kept taking books out and putting them back in their place, "Valid point, I guess." He said, reading a book's blurb he was holding.

Dream turned his gaze to the book that was in front of him, "Anyway, can you come sit down for a sec? I want to talk to you about something." 

Sapnap groaned before walking up to a chair across from Dream. He lousily pulled the chair and sat down, "What the hell do you want?"

"You know our rivaling kingdom, Kinoko?"

Sapnap put his face in his hands, "God, not this again, Dream! I'm not going to our rivaling kingdom, release it from its misery, and then come back!"

Dream put his hands together and had puppy dog eyes, "Sapnap, can you do it for me? Your best friend."

"That's our rivaling kingdom, Dream."

"The wars happened because my father and the king of Kinoko didn't like each other," Dream crossed his arms, "And ever since I became king, the wars with us and Kinoko stopped."

"That doesn't change the fact that it's still our rivaling kingdom!"

"Sapnap, please!"

"Why do you even care?" The ravenette questioned, crossing his arms and tilting his head.

"I don't know, but my gut tells me you should go." Dream said, tapping his fingers on the table, "I think if you do that, you'll be free again."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, if you go there maybe you won't have to overwork yourself for you and Noah to survive."

"So, you're going to send me to our rivaling kingdom, release it from its misery because you think I'll be free from overworking myself and because your gut tells you so as well?"

"Yes. Now, will you please go?"

Sapnap groaned, "Fine, I'm only agreeing to go because I've had enough of you bugging me about it."

Dream put on a smug look when he heard his friend's response, "Sapnap, you'll thank me later."

"No, I won't."

Dream chuckled, "We'll see, we'll see."

Sapnap groaned again, "I hate you." He said.

"You love me, and do you know what to do when you get there?"

"Lie, that's it."

"Alright, go pack while I get your carriage ready." Dream said, before exiting the library.


Sapnap and Noah made it back home. Sapnap took Noah to their shared room and started packing a bag for them. Noah was a bit confused, "Dada, why are you packing a bag?" He asked, as he watched his father.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now