Chapter thirteen: Only Seven Days

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⚠️T/W: Swearing ⚠️

Alternative name for the chapter: 'Let It Be...?'

A/N: This is a super long and boring chapter so prepare! (3.5k words)

A/N: This chapter focuses on Mai and her trying to figure something to change the king's mind while counting down the days until the week ends.

A/N: I would like to confirm that Karl mostly spends his days with Noah and Sapnap, not just Sapnap (If he wants to spend some time Sapnap only, then that means Karl wants to talk to him about something important or show him something that he wants only Sapnap to see)

Mai sat down at her desk and rested her head on her hand, "I only have seven fucking days to make that dickhead to change his mind but... how?" The dirty blonde looked out her window, "Mother, you surely would've known what to do if you were me..." Mai buried her face in her hands and started to quietly sob, "You know I can't let the kingdom and Karl be miserable again, what do I do now...?" Mai asked, her voice was slightly breaking.

 "Mai, listen, I don't have much time..." A voice said. Mai remembered that voice, it was her mother.

"Mother? I can hear you! I really want to know what to do, please help me." Mai said, her voice was broken and desperate.

Her mother sighed, "Mai, I know this won't seem like the best advice but, you have to let it be..." 

Mai was confused, that wasn't the advice she wanted to hear, "Let it be...? How's that supposed to help? I'm going to be filled with guilt if I do that."

"Sweetheart, please trust me it's going to help you-" Her mother's voice slowly started to fade away.

"No, stay! I need to know what to do, please..." Mai really wanted another piece of advice but no one ever came. She decided not to take her mother's advice and instead to try finding another solution.

Mai cried herself to sleep that night.


Day one: Panic and Pacing...

Mai slowly opened her eyes to only hear a violin playing outside. She looked at the clock and saw it was eleven in the morning. Sapnap started to usually play the violin at this time of the day. No one ever minded because the melody would brighten up their morning.

Mai was smiling while listening to the calming violin playing, but that smile slowly faded when she remembered her conversation with the king yesterday, "Today is the first day until the end of the week, I have to think of something and try hide my panic and worry away from Karl, Sapnap, and Noah because then they'll catch up and ask what's wrong. I can't tell them what's going to happen within six days now..." The dirty blonde started to pace around the room. She then stopped in her tracks and nudged her head with her hand, "You're panicking again, Mai."

There was a loud bang on Mai's door, startling her, "Mai! I'm going to hang out with Sapnap at sunset, can you look after Noah?" It was only Karl.

Mai calmed down after she heard his voice but her eyes widened as she realized what Karl requested, "Fuck! Now I have to look after Noah! That kid is the first one to notice when something is wrong, out of all the days, Karl! Out of all the days!"

"Hello? Are you alright? You usually don't stay in bed at this time unless something's bothering you..." Karl was now genuinely worried.

Mai knew she couldn't keep him worried, "S-Sure, I'll look after him, don't worry." She said, trying to hide the panic in her voice.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now