Chapter ten: You Found It?

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A/N: My writing here isn't the best because there wasn't much in the chapter.

Karl and Sapnap had already run off, leaving Noah with Mai and the guards. Mai ordered one of the guards to go after them and keep an eye on them while the other guards stayed with the two, "If they ask where we went tell them we're at the castle, alright?" Mai said to the guard who was running down the pathway. He turned around and while walking backwards. He saluted in response and then turned to run.

"Mai, why are we going to the castle?" Noah asked as they started to walk the opposite way of the path.

Mai sighed, "To find a book I have been trying to find since yesterday."

"Why did you need it?"

"So I know how your father made the sunlight come back."


They exited the forest and made it back to the village. It was still busy since it's still sunset. They decided to have a stroll around the village before they head to the castle. 


Mai ended up going to multiple different candy stores because Noah couldn't resist sweets. She gets the candy for free and Noah was taking advantage of it, "You dragged us into ten different candy stores and you still want more?!" Mai shouted at Noah who was stuffing his mouth with candy. He looked at her and nodded, "You'll get a stomach ache if you eat more, that's the last bag of candy I won't get you another one."

"I want more sweets!"

"No! The shops are going to close soon, idiot!"

Noah groaned in response and saw that they were almost at the castle. The gatekeeper opened the gate and let them pass. They entered the castle and Noah's eyes widened, "It looks... amazing!" 

Mai chuckled at the reaction, "Yeah, it's amazing but the person in charge of it isn't."

Noah turned to her with a confused look, "What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it, let's go to the library, find the book, play around the castle, and then you go home."

Noah nodded, "What does the book look like?" 

"It had a black cover and the title was: 'Melodies of Centuries' I believe."

"Let's look for it, then! It's going to be hide-and-seek but with a book."


Mai was looking for the book in a huge pile. She was starting to give up, but she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Noah with a book, "I found it!" He said.

"You found it? Let me see!" Mai said, taking the book from Noah's grasp. She looked at it and her eyes widened, "You found it! Finally." She quickly opened the book and started reading the pages. 

"What does it say?" Noah asks.

"Here it says: 'When a person that brought happiness to a place passes away or is never seen again. The sky will be covered in grey clouds prohibiting sunlight, people will most likely lock themselves in their houses where they would cry for days, months, even years. The only way to bring happiness is for someone to play a melody the person liked with the instrument the person liked as well. If you play the melody with a different instrument then it'll take almost one and half weeks for the clouds to disappear. If you play a different melody with the same instrument the person liked then it'll take a week for the clouds to disappear. If you play the same melody with the same instrument the said person enjoyed playing then it'll take about a minute or less but they have to stay for at least six months or more so the clouds don't come back." Mai looked up at Noah, "That kind of makes sense and this apparently this happens once a century."

"But how did he know what was the right instrument and melody to play?" Noah asked, having difficulty to say the word: 'instrument'. 

"He's probably read a book about the late queen somewhere."

"Yeah, maybe.."

"Now, let's go play!"



Karl and Sapnap came back. Sapnap and Noah said their goodbyes and went back to their house. 

Mai and Karl kept teasing about Sapnap and Karl kept teasing Mai about Tommy.

A/N: Noah knows about Kinoko's misery because George told him the story. (I don't think I included it in chapter four) 

Word count: 694

Edited: ❌

Hope you have a good morning or night!

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