Chapter six: Not This Feeling Again

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A/N: I edited the last chapter and decided to remove the idea of Mai losing her right arm, so she has a bruised and scarred right arm instead.

⚠️T/W: A bit of swearing⚠️

Sapnap got a bit tired after playing the violin for a while, so he decided to go to a nearby forest to relax and have some time with Noah. The two walked down a path in the forest to find somewhere to sit. Almost yellow leaves were scattered everywhere, and  "How did you do that, Daddy?" Noah asked as they walked down a path in the forest.

"I don't even know, Noah." 

"Maybe it's magic powers!" Noah said, getting in front of Sapnap while putting his arms in the air.

Sapnap chuckled, "Yeah, maybe." He then looked around and saw a lake across from him. He stopped in his tracks and started heading to the lake. Noah stopped in his tracks and started following his father.

Sapnap sat down and took a deep breath, "It's so calm and beautiful here."

Noah sat down as well and mimicked his father's actions, "Yeah, it is without the grey clouds." 

"Oi! Who the fuck are you? I've never seen you two before." They looked to their sides and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and glasses. She had two guards behind her. The girl had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot. She wasn't intimidating to Sapnap and Noah but the guards behind her did.

Noah wrapped his arms around Sapnap's arm and hid his face, "Excuse me?" Sapnap questioned.

"I'm the royal advisor and informal of the king and prince. I need to know your names, ages, and which kingdom you came from."

"I'm Sapnap, a nineteen-year-old violinist." Sapnap looked at Noah and then back at Mai, "This is Noah, he's four years old. We came from L'manberg."

"Well, I guess you're good." Mai pulled out a key from her pocket, "I'm supposed to run tests on you to see if you're all good or not, but I think the king is way too tired and I don't want to be off with my head so here."  She threw the key and it landed on Sapnap's lap, "I'm giving you this house that was abandoned for years, don't worry it's not haunted nor shit. Also, there are going to be guards watching you closely, so be careful of your actions and what you say out loud. The house is at the back of the village."

"Alright, thanks for the offer, I guess."

"You're welcome." Mai turned to the guards, "I want you to watch them closely behind that tree, if they do anything suspicious, tell me." The guards nodded and Mai ran back to the castle. 

Sapnap looked at the key and put it in his pocket, "Can we play now."

"Sure, what do you want to play?"

"Tag. I want to play tag." Sapnap went to a nearby tree and started counting while Noah looked for a good place to hide.


After playing tag for almost ten minutes. Sapnap felt someone approach him. He looked up and saw the prince and Mai standing next to him. The ravenette bowed immediately, "H-Hello, your highness."

"You don't have to bow, Sapnap, right?" The prince asked.

Sapnap stood up straight and nodded, "Yes, I'm Sapnap, your highness."

"Sapnap, that's a unique name, it really suits you!" The burnette prince giggled. That giggle made Sapnap's heartbeat quicken. He was familiar with this feeling. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and he felt a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. Sapnap was frustrated about it. The last time he had this feeling was when he met Arthur. Sapnap groaned mentally, "Dream, was this your plan all along? If it was, I'll kill you when I come back to Dream SMP, just wait." 

Noah ran in front of Sapnap, "And I'm Noah! You're a prince, right?"

Karl put his hand on his knees and bent down to Noah's level, "Yeah, I am a prince! Nice to meet you, Noah."

"Wow! I've never met a prince before! Do you think I will be a prince one day?"

"Yeah, you're going to be a prince and your father's going to be a king and maybe Karl's husband even. I didn't give my name earlier, I'm Mai." Sapnap was now angry when he heard what Mai said. His face was also red, not because he was angry but because he was flustered. Sapnap wanted to slap Mai but Karl beat him to it, "Can you stop making our new visitors uncomfortable, Mai?" Sapnap wanted to laugh but he managed to hold it in.


The sky was a lovely dark shade of blue, the moon and stars were shining in the dark blue. Noah was sleeping on Sapnap's chest. Mai went back to the castle and started searching for the book she was talking about, and she wanted Sapnap and Karl to have some 'romantic time' together.

Sapnap and Karl started talking about relationships and stuff, "God, that's horrible I can't believe that someone would do that!" Karl whisper-shouted in disbelief after Sapnap told him about his past relationship with Arthur.

"It's fine, I'm just glad I got out of that relationship." Sapnap sighed as he looked up at the sky.

"Yes, I'm glad about that as well." Karl turned his head and looked at the sky.

"It's getting late, you should go back to the castle, your highness."

"Yeah, you're right, but do you have a place to stay?"

Sapnap nodded, "Mai gave me a house key, she said: 'I'm giving you this house that was abandoned for years, don't worry it's not haunted nor shit. Also, there are going to be guards watching you closely, so be careful of your actions and what you say out loud.'

Karl stood up, "She can act like that to new visitors or citizens." He smiled at Sapnap and saw Sapnap smile back under the moonlight. He felt his cheeks heat up and his stomach fill with butterflies, "H-Have a good night, Sapnap!" Karl said, then he started running back to the village, the guards trailed behind him.

"Have a good night you too, your highness." Sapnap stood up and went back to the village. He went to the very back and saw a house that was different from the other houses. The window hole's had flat pieces of wood hammered to them and the roof had some holes in it. It looked haunted pretty much. Sapnap sighed and unlocked the door. The house was dark; the only source of light was a candle beside the door. Sapnap put the luggage on the ground and picked up the candle. He found two rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. They were all clean. Sapnap got inside a bedroom and set Noah on the bed. He kissed his forehead and went to the other room. He got in bed and fell asleep.


Sapnap shot his eyes open. He got up and started pacing around the room, "No, no, no, I can't be dreaming about kissing and marrying the prince as if the feelings weren't enough already." Sapnap sat down on the edge of the bed and started replaying the dream over and over again. The feelings came back again. He started to think of the prince's features and how pretty they were, "No, Sapnap! You can't think about these things and feel these things towards a prince!" 

Sapnap didn't get any sleep that night. He was too busy thinking about the prince.

A/N: I changed up the dialogue a bit here and sorry for not uploading, I had no motivation.

Word count: 1239

Edited: kinda

Hope you have a good morning or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now