Chapter one: Dead Flower Crowns

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Karl was the prince of a kingdom named, Kinoko. He used to have a happy life when he was five years old. He would play with his two older siblings, Corry and Sean and his mother since his father was busy with paperwork, the kingdom, and the wars they had with a kingdom called Dream SMP. He would rarely step out of his office, unless it was for a meal or meeting. Karl would ask his father to spend time with him.his mother, of course since his father was busy with paperwork, the kingdom, and the wars they had with a kingdom called Dream SMP. He would rarely step out of his office, unless it was for a meal or meeting. Karl would ask his father to spend time with him. It'll always be like this:

"I'm sorry bud, I have to finish this paperwork. Go ask Mommy." That was the same answer every time Karl would ask him, "But Daddy, I miss you."

"Karl please, I have work to do."

"But, I miss you!"

"Karl, out. Now."


"No buts."

Karl sighed and headed to the door, "I love you Dad." He muttered before leaving, closing the door behind him. Karl went outside to the garden where his siblings and mother were making flower crowns, "I told you he won't agree." Corry said.

"I want to spend time with him, is that too much?!" Karl shouted at her.

"Oh Karl," His mother went up to him and spread her arms out, "Come here." Karl stepped closer and hugged his mother. She picked him up and went back to the two and sat down on the grass, "He's busy Karl, you'll understand once you become a king." Karl nodded in response. He then felt something being put on his head, "Your siblings and I were making flower crowns, do you want to help us?" The young prince looked up at his mother with excitement and nodded eagerly. His mother couldn't help but giggle at the reaction.

Karl, his siblings, and his mother would spend time together, baking, art and crafts, paint, dance, tell each other stories, make flower crowns, and learn music. Karl loved playing the guitar. He wasn't good at it at first, but after practicing. He adapted to his guitar and started making music, but never shared any of it.


Karl is now fifteen. His father was still too focused on the kingdom. His siblings became distant. They stopped spending time with him and his mother and locked themselves in their rooms. his mother.

Instead, something worse happened.

The young prince and queen were outside in the backyard garden. They were making flower crowns, "Alright I'm almost-" The queen was cut off by her sharp pain in her chest. She squeezed her chest and started yelping because of the pain. She was having a hard time breathing as well, it's been like that for three whole days now. Her energy started getting lower as well.

Karl rushed to his mother, "Mother, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes honey, I'm-" The continued to come and cut her off, "Fine, don't worry, keep making your flower crown."

Karl set his flower crown down, "Mother, I think we should go see the doctor."

"I'm fine Karl, don't worry." His mother reassured.

Karl stood up and helped his mother get up as well, "I'm taking you to the doctor either way."


After taking his mother to the doctor. The doctor said the queen had a deadly heart disease with no cure and she didn't have much time left to live. Karl's heart shattered once he heard the news. He fell to his knees and started crying. The doctor knelt in front of Karl and hugged him.

The queen was later bedridden in her room. She was getting weaker and sicker. Karl stayed by her bed and cried.

When the people of the kingdom got the news. They locked themselves in their houses, swearing to never leave. They loved the queen so much and they weren't ready for her to go.

When Karl's siblings and father got the news. They quickly rushed to the room where the queen was kept and when they saw the queen's state. They were heartbroken as well, especially the king.

He wasn't ready to see the love of his life die and the kids weren't ready to lose their mother either.


Karl was in his room on his balcony, looking over his kingdom. A cold breeze brushed over his pale skin. He took a deep breath, making the cold air fill his lungs, "I just want things to go back to the way they were." He said, sighing afterwards. It was so cold that the prince could see his breath. The prince heard his door open, startling him a little. He turned his head and saw his sister, crying. Karl turned his whole body around and started approaching his sister, "Corry, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Karl, it's about, mother. She-" Corry continued to sob. She couldn't finish her sentence.

"What happened to-" Karl froze when he realized what his sister was trying to tell him. The prince put his hands on each side of his head, repeating the word: no, "NO!" He shouted before running out his door and heading to his parents room, "Karl, wait!" His sister yelled, but Karl ignored her and kept running to his parents room.

The door to his parents room was wide open, cries could be heard from there. The prince held on to the doorframe, catching his breath from running. He lifted his head and saw his mother laying on the bed, lifeless. Karl's father on the side of the bed holding his mother's hand while sobbing. Sean was also there on his knees crying. Karl was frozen in utter disbelief, and then he fell on his knees and the tears were now rolling down his face, again.


After the death of the queen. The kingdom's happiness drained, the sky of the kingdom was slowly getting covered with grey and black clouds, prohibiting sunlight from entering the kingdom, the people still locked themselves in their houses where they would cry and grieve all day. Because of that, all the plants in the kingdom slowly withered because there was no sunlight and no one to take care of them.

Everything was dead.

The queen's death broke the king physically and mentally. He would lock himself and grieve for his deceased wife. The widower would visit his wife's grave which was buried in the backyard garden; her favorite place. The king stopped eating and taking care of himself. He had huge bags under his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot from crying.

Karl's siblings would spend most of their time in the backyard garden. The two would sit beside their mother's grave and reminisce about all the great times they had. Both of them would make flower crowns out of the dead flowers and put them on the grave.

Karl was broken after his mother left. He stopped playing his guitar and making music. He stopped smiling and laughing. He would just cry and have a stoic face all the time. He tried to cheer himself up, but... nothing worked. He would visit his mother's grave and talk to her every once in a while.


It's been five years since the queen's death and the wars with Dream SMP came to an end. Karl was now twenty. His siblings got married and left to rule another kingdom. Karl stayed in Kinoko with his father. The two would lock themselves in their rooms, where they would spend most of their time on their balconies, looking over what once was a happy kingdom.

Karl wished everything would go back to normal. He missed the children laughing and playing around. He missed the life the people gave the kingdom. He missed his family. He missed the feeling of happiness. He just wanted things to go back to normal. The prince hoped that someone would come and save Kinoko from its misery.

Unfortunately, that day never came.

A/N: I know that Karl is older than his siblings, but let's just pretend he's not for the sake of this fanfic!

A/N: How's chapter one in your opinion? It's fine if you don't like it.

Word count: 1356

Edited: ☑️

Hope you have a good morning or night!.

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