Chapter nineteen: An Unexpected King Order

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⚠️T/W: Swearing⚠️

Alternative name for the chapter: 'So, That Was What You Meant'

Long chapter! 2.1k/2127 words

A/N: This is going to be focusing on Mai and there are going to be some things that have not been changed, again, sorry for repeating dialogues and/or scenarios! (Most of the scenarios from the last chapter have not been added to this chapter, so it doesn't make the chapter as long as fuck) Sorry for the late update as well!

It's been a week since Sapnap and Noah left Kinoko. Mai wasn't so happy as well as everyone else, except for that dumbass king of course. The dirty blonde knew what was going to happen and she wasn't ready for it either, "It's only common sense, but apparently, that dumb bitch doesn't have any!" She said as she paced around her room, pretending there was someone there too, listening to her, "Mother said I should let it be, but now the clouds are going to come back, all because of that old shitass and becuase I didn't figure out anything to stop it!" Mai knew her mother had wisdom, but she was also the one who taught Mai, so they pretty much had the same knowledge about everything and how to handle things. Mai thought her mother might have not taught her everything she knew and she should probably listen to her mother, "No, I can't just lie around doing nothing when I should be helping!" The young girl groaned before punching one of her bedroom walls, "Why do I have to be involved in these tight situations?!"

"Mai, listen, I don't have much time to talk, but I need to suggest something to you." An echoing male voice said.

"How am I supposed to do that, father?" Mai asked, tiredness laced her voice.

"Sweetie, listen, I don't have much time. But, I suggest you listen to your mother's advice because you know how wise she is." He said, the desperation in his voice was visible. 

Mai thought about it for a bit, but then realized her father doesn't have much time to talk, "Father, you know I simply can't do that."

"Sweetie, you used to listen to your mother's words, what happened?" Her father asked, now worry laced his voice.

"I don't know, father." Mai buried her face in her hands, "I don't know what's happening to me and everything here.."

"I know you're sixteen —almost an adult— and capable enough to make your own decisions, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to your mother's advice. She's just trying to help you through this tough situation."

"I know, father, I know—I just want to get out of this situation as quickly as possible so I can finally sleep peacefully at night."

"Mai, listen to your mother's advice, I'm sure you'll get out of this tough situation if you do." Her father's voice slowly started to get faint.

Mai's eyes widened, "No, please stay!" She shouted, but not loud enough for anyone to hear. Mai waited for a response, but of course, one never came. She sighed out of defeat and headed to her window to look at the village. Mai spotted shadows on the cobblestone floor just beside the town square. They were in a circle and they looked like the shape of clouds. She looked up, and saw about six-eight grey clouds up in the sky, circling the town square. Mai sighed out of disappointment and frustration, "Great." She said, shaking her head, "I know he's not going to listen and fucking ignore me, but I have to tell him either way." Right after she said that. She rushed through the door and ran to the old man's office.

Mai was quickly banging on the door, "Oi, dickhead, I need to talk to you! It's urgent!" She shouted.

A sigh was heard from the other side of the door, "You may enter, the door is unlocked." A familiar monotone voice said.

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