Chapter sixteen: Back to Square One

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⚠️T/W: Slight swearing⚠️

A/N: Noah might seem left out here, and this is a boring chapter with of angst (might re-write it later)

Karl was still on his knees, sobbing as he watched the carriage that had the love of his life in it; the man who made his life bright again slowly disappeared out of his view. He wanted to chase after the carriage even if it meant he'll run about an hour. He just wanted Sapnap to be here with him and just comfort him or just play a soft melody to him on his violin again, "Son, why do you even care about him? He was a spy after all." Karl heard his father say. 

The brunette got up from his knees and slowly turned his head to look at his father, "I LOVED HIM for god's sake! He made my and everyone's life happy again! But you couldn't-care-less, did you?!" Karl wiped his tears away and looked up at his father, furious, "You just had to assume he's a spy because he was from our rivaling kingdom! Are you proud, are you?!" Karl waited for a response, though he never got one. He got even more furious and didn't want to wait any longer, so he started running back to the castle, not daring to look back.

Karl kept running until he reached his room. He threw himself on his bed face first and sobbed in his pillow, just like he did before Sapnap's arrival that day. He wanted the ravenette to be here with him, hug him tightly or kiss him again, "Sapnap wasn't a spy. He wasn't..." Karl said, his voice was quiet and broken. Karl's tears slowly fell from his face and onto his pillow. He never thought he'd go back to crying in his pillow and reminisce again. He thought Sapnap would change that, and he did, "But, father couldn't-care-less, did he? So he had to send him back, he clearly didn't want to leave!"

"I'm sorry, Karl." A familiar girl's voice said. Karl quickly sat up and saw Mai leaning against the doorframe, "I'm sorry I didn't come up with anything as fast as possible for your bitch ass father to change his mind." She said, sighing out of defeat.

"It wasn't your fault, Mai, it was my father's," Karl clenched his fists, furious at what she said, "Sapnap clearly didn't want to leave and he probably missed his family but he didn't mention anything about them! He only mentioned my father!" He yelled, his words were full of sorrow and fury.

Mai didn't jump or flinch at the sudden yell. She was still leaning against the doorframe as motionless as a statue, "Karl, yes he might have mentioned your father but he probably missed his family as well."

Karl knew Mai was probably right, "You might be right but if he missed his family he would've got a carriage and left before." Karl had a good point. Sapnap would've left earlier if he missed his family, but he was forced by Karl's father.

Mai's eyebrows raised, "You might be... right." Karl was surprised by those words coming out of Mai's mouth as she was never beaten in any argument like this before, "But, he might've missed his family but he knew how you and Noah would've reacted so he didn't leave. You should understand." Mai had a very good point.

Karl didn't give a response, instead. He put his face back into his —now soaked— pillow, "Mai, I understand the missing the family part since my mother," Karl paused and sighed, "Never mind, I just miss him, that's all." He said, his words muffled by the pillow.

Mai took a deep breath and looked at Karl with a look of sorry on her face, "I understand how you feel, Karl." She sighed, "I'll talk to that bastard and see if I can change his mind." After that, the door shut, leaving Karl alone in the room. 

Karl lousily sat himself up from his bed. His vision was blurry from all the crying and his throat was sore from screaming in his pillow. He began to scan the room and his eyes fell on a certain dark corner where a dusted guitar case and old, slightly torn music sheets sat. The brunette got out of his bed, almost falling on his face. He slowly made his way to the dusted guitar case and knelt next to it, "My guitar and music sheets..." Karl sighed, making some of the dust fly up into the air and slowly disappear. He opened the case where a wrecked guitar sat. The brunette gently put his hands on the instrument and he started to lift it up gently; so the guitar doesn't get damaged even more. He adjusted the instrument and took a look at it and he started to play a slow and sad melody on it. The brunette was surprised he still remembered how to play the instrument after five years of abandoning it. The instrument was wrecked, but he didn't care if it was or not; he just wanted to play on the instrument, "It hasn't been a day yet and I already miss him..." Karl was on the verge of tears again. He kept playing the sad melody on the guitar, "I just want to kiss him again, I just—want him here, with me..." He was fighting the urge to cry but he failed miserably. He dropped the guitar on the floor, not caring if he broke it or not.

Karl curled himself into a ball on the cold tiles. He was distracted with his thoughts and pain to realize his surroundings or actions. Karl wished Sapnap would wrap his arms around him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until he finally calmed down and fell into a deep slumber while in Sapnap's arms. 

Karl wished he'd kiss Sapnap again while under the mushroom tree. He just wanted Sapnap to hold him and protect him from this sweet and cruel world, but life isn't fair so now he's back to his old routine of reminisce, sob, repeat,

"I know I promised him I'll be patient but I'm impatient and I've already waited for my happiness to come back to me. I don't want to wait again..." Karl sobbed in his hands, "I need him, with me, please..."

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter

A/N: Bruh, why the fuck do I keep finding a lot of highly focused DNF stories in Karlnap?! Like-

A/N: I really need to improve my writing skills in fluff or any other fanfic term. It's just writing is difficult at times, especially when there's low motivation (I never in my life thought writing was easy, unless you're writing a fucking six page book with a pictures that take up all the page with two-four sentences in each page, basically a book for a kindergartener)

Word count: 1043

Edited: ❌

Hope you have a good morning or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now