Chapter twelve: King's Orders

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⚠️T/W: Swearing⚠️

A/N: Oh. My. God. Thank you so much for 200+ reads!! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading this book I really appreciate it and I'm grateful! Enjoy this well-written chapter to make up for the last one!

The clock struck midnight. Cold breezes came every now and then, making the trees rustle under the night sky.

Mai was sitting at her desk reading her favorite novel in her nearly dark room; a candle on her desk was the only source of light in the room. She enjoyed the silence and peace her room gave her. The sixteen-year-old knew she should be asleep by now, but this novel kept her dragging her more and more. She was almost done with the novel and she didn't want to let the book down.

Philza and Tommy had left hours ago, they said they were going to visit sometime soon.

Mai really missed Tommy in the past few years but she never showed it. They've been really close since they were toddlers because of Philza and Nathan being best friends of course.

Mai still remembers the first time they met and how they would just stare at each other and they would hear their parents laughing. The sixteen-year-old smiled to herself as she remembered that memory.

Mai snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on her door, it started her a bit. The dirty blonde set the book down and got up to answer the door. Her footsteps echoed as she made her way to the door. She placed her hand on the cold metal handle and pulled the door open, only to be greeted by a very tired maid, "Hello, can I help you with something? And your shift was over three hours ago, why are you still here?" Mai asked, clearly confused about the situation. 

"His majesty extended our shift hours and he sent me here because-" The maid was cut off by her covering her mouth while letting out a yawning noise, she was clearly tired, it made Mai feel bad. She wanted to punch the king right then and there, "Pardon me, His majesty sent me here because he wants to talk to you in his office." The maid rubbed her eyes then looked at Mai and waited for a response. 

Mai shifted her gaze to her feet and sighed out of disappointment, "Tell that dipshit I'll be at his fucking office in few minutes." She looked up to see the maid a bit worried but she nodded and immediately ran down the hallway.

Mai closed the door and looked out her open window. Mai sighed and walked up to her window, "Mother, why did you leave me with that bitch? He's only going to cause harm to his kingdom and its people." Mai crossed her arms and looked down at her room's carpeted floor. She waited for a response she knew that would never come. She sighed and headed to the door again and pulled it open. 

Mai was walking down an empty and dark hallway in the castle. She couldn't see anything but luckily, there were lit candles that led her way. The whole castle was dark and quiet, but there were some echoing footsteps from the first floor, probably the maids walking around. Mai stopped at the top of a large red carpeted staircase. She didn't use the steps, she decided to slide down the railing instead, which got her to the first floor faster, "The faster I get to his office the faster I'll be done with whatever the fuck he wants." Mai whispered to herself as she got off the railing and started power walking to the king's office.


Mai was standing in front of a door she was familiar with. She took a deep breath before slowly lifting her fist and knocking at the door, "Name and business." The king's voice says from the other side of the door.

Mai groaned and crossed her arms, "Who else do you think it is?" She said, tapping her foot while waiting for a response so she could come in and be done with his shit.

"You may enter." Those were the words Mai wanted to hear. She kicked the door open with her foot. His majesty was at his desk doing paper work as always, "Alright, I've been informed you wanted me here and why the fuck are you extending the maids shifts for?! That already work hard enough!" Mai yelled, closing the door behind her and getting closer to the king's desk. 

The king looked up at her with an unimpressed look, "First: stop yelling, second: I don't want to be asked that question again, third: I wanted to talk about those two." He said, passive-aggressively. 

Mai took a deep breath and looked at the old man in front of her with a dead look spread across her face, "What about Sapnap and Noah?" She asked, still not her gaze away from the old man.

"I talked to Philza and asked him about the two and he said Sapnap was Dream's friend as in The King of Dream SMP and he could possibly be spies which means I was right about them." He said.

Mai's eyes widened, "No, that can't be true and even if it was they aren't automatically spies! You should really stop assuming shit and you better not do anything to them, you hear me?!" She yelled, trying to hold herself back from grabbing an object and throwing it at the old man.

"Well, too bad, I'm going to be executing them next week." The king chuckled, evilly.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Mai shouted as she slammed the king's desk out of anger.

"Yes, you heard me, I don't want them leaving Kinoko with secret information about it." He said, getting back to his paperwork.

"They don't know any secrets about it!" Mai yelled, she was on the verge of tears because Karl is going to be depressed again and then Kinoko is going to be back in its misery again. She didn't want that to happen. 

Mai took a deep breath to calm herself down, "Wait, I'm your royal advisor right?" She asked, crossing her arms while smirking.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, you know how my advice always saves Kinoko and the citizens?" 

"Yes, they do?" The king couldn't tell what Mai was trying to imply.

"Then, as your royal advisor, I advise you to not execute Sapnap and Noah, instead send them back to their original kingdom or let them stay."

"No, I'm not going to send them back or let them stay, they're going to be executed which means they're going to be executed!"

Mai gave the old man a passive-aggressive smile, "Remember what happened last time when you didn't take my fucking advise?"

The king's eyes widened as he remembered the horror of that day, "Alright, fine! I'm not going to execute them but I'm not letting them stay either, so I'm going to send them back to Dream SMP next week!" 

Mai nodded before heading to the door and walked down a dark hallway while starting to panic,"I only have seven days to think of something that will change that dipshit's mind and let them stay." 

"Only seven days..."

A/N: Ok, the last part is not as intense now, and I've noticed that I'm really bad a dialogues and I don't know why.

"Be your own Cadillac, don't be someone else's" — TommyInnit, 2021 

A/N: That really touched me for some reason, am I ok?!

Word count: 1175

Edited: ☑️

Hope you have a good morning or night!

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