Chapter seventeen: Thinking About Him

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A/N: Sorry about everyone being out of character the entire story and for not posting much. 

A/N: I swear the writing quality gets worse as chapters go by, I'm sorry.

After Sapnap returned back to his home kingdom he thought he would be happy to meet his loved ones again and feel better. Instead, he felt... hollow. He's felt this before after Arthur cheated on him and left him with Noah but he got over it quickly. Sapnap already figured it was Karl making him feel this way. 

He thought he'd over Karl but he instead would curl up in the corner of his room. He didn't feel the urge to do anything except reminisce about the times they had together, making him miss the prince even more.


Sapnap was sitting in his dark room with sunlight coming through his curtains being the only light in the room while the ravenette was silently sobbing with his face in his knees. This has been going on for a week and Punz has tried to convince him to leave the room to eat or do something—only getting a cry or just a plain 'no' for an answer from him.

The ravenette was thinking about the kiss he shared with Karl before he left. He just wanted the brunette to be here with him so he can comfort him or just spend time together again. Sapnap hated how desperate he was right now but he couldn't blame himself. He loved Karl and he clearly didn't want to leave him alone.

A knock was heard on the door, interrupting the ravenette's thoughts, "Sap, you've been in there for a week and you haven't been eating much or taking care of yourself." He heard his older brother say, worry was laced all over his voice. 

Sapnap wiped his fallen tears and let himself fall on his side, "Punz, I just—don't feel like doing anything, leave me be." He said in-between sniffles and his voice was cracking a bit.

A sigh was heard from the other side of the door, "Can you at least tell me what happened because Noah doesn't want to mention anything." 

Sapnap decided to give in. He stood up—almost losing his balance and he sloppily walked over to his door. He turned the key to the left and pulled the handle, revealing a tall blonde in white hoodie, his expression full of worry. Once the blonde took a look at the ravenette, he pulled him into a hug. Sapnap was taken by surprise since his brother rarely hugs him. Sapnap hugged back and cried into his brother's shoulder, "Sap, it's going to be fine, I promise. Just tell me what happened." His brother reassured, rubbing the ravenette's back to comfort him.

"Remember when Dream made me go on that trip?" Sapnap asked, looking up at the blonde.

"Yes, I do remember." The blonde answered, still rubbing the ravenette's back.

"Basically,..." The ravenette went on and explained his whole trip from how he met the prince and how he got back home. He saw his brother's expression turn from worried to pure anger, "That bitch was going to WHAT?!" He said, exclaiming the word: 'what', "Was Dream trying to get you killed or be less overworked?!" 

"Punz, calm down, it's—" Sapnap tried to reassure his clearly furious brother.

"CALM DOWN?! My brother was going to be killed and you expect me to: 'CALM DOWN'?!" Punz cut Sapnap off, exclaiming the 'calm down' in his sentence.

Sapnap groaned in annoyance, "Punz! I didn't want to tell because I knew how'd you react!" Sapnap pushed Punz out the door and quickly shut it out of anger. Later, a groan was heard from the other side followed by some footsteps.

Sapnap only pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down until he was sitting on the floor. He brought his knees to his chest and sobbed for hours on end.


It's been four months since Sapnap returned home. Sapnap was outside under a tree in a lovely forest, playing his violin. Punz has finally convinced him to get out of his room and do something so he can take his mind off things for a bit, it did help but he then started to think about Karl and how sad he looked before he left. Sapnap was about to drop his violin when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned around and saw his one and only older brother standing there, "Sap, you're crying again, is it Karl?" He asked.

Sapnap quickly wiped his face and saw that he was actually crying. He nodded and let out a small sniffle, "I miss him, Punz," He said, burying his face in his hands, "I feel bad for leaving him there, but I didn't have a choice!" Sapnap heard a sigh and then he felt arms wrap around him, pulling him into an embrace, "Sap, I'm sure something will work out and reunite you three." The blonde reassured, "I'll just have to teach that piece of shit a lesson."

"Punz, that'll make him—hate me even more." Sapnap said, sniffling in-between his words.

Punz sighed and patted his brother's head, "Let's go inside so you can have some rest, Noah's at the castle playing with George." He said, getting a nod from Sapnap as a response.


It was midnight, the kingdom was a ghost town at this time, only trees rustling and windows creaking could be heard.

Sapnap was in his room sleeping peacefully—when banging coming from the main house door woke him up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes while trying to find his bedroom door. He eventually found it after running into many different objects. 

The ravenette stepped outside and he kept running into things before he was at the main door of the house. He sloppily opened it and was about to shout at the person who was banging on the door, expecting it to be Dream or his brother. But his eyes widened when he took a good look at the figure, 


A/N: Cliffhanger :D Also, when Punz said: "Sap, I'm sure something will work out and reunite you three." He meant Karl, Sapnap, and Noah. And, not me putting some Karlnap meetup references here and there in the latest chapters. 

A/N: Also, the A/N below was added to chapter two and I decided to put it here for the people who've already read the chapter before I put the A/N there.

A/N: I originally planned on using Punz, Dream, Sapnap, etc's real names but decided not to because I didn't want to confuse anyone and some people dislike it when writers use the real names, so if you want to you can pretend I'm using their real names. And I couldn't think of a name for Dream's Kingdom so I went with 'Dream SMP' I'm not creative at all and I didn't want to use a random generator.

Word count: 988

Edited: ❌

Hope you have an good morning or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now