Chapter fourteen: I Should've Told You Sooner

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A/N: Thank you for 300+ reads!

A/N: This is day seven of the last chapter but it's going to focusing on Karl, this chapter is long as well (2.7K/2760 words) and there's angst so prepare!

Karl was lying in his bed, he has been aware about Mai's actions and how they were changing these past six days. He knew Mai was hiding something and he's been getting really worried. Karl hoped his father didn't say anything to her that caused her to be like this. He hoped that Mai wasn't being stressed out about anything. 

Karl was glad he wasn't the only one who noticed, apparently everyone did and they've been worried as well. They suspected the king might have something to do with this since she is his advisor and informal. Karl tried to get Mai to tell him what's wrong and why she was out of character but she didn't want to talk and she seemed upset and scared whenever Karl would ask her. He told her he was going to talk to his father to see what's wrong but Mai insisted he didn't.    

It was odd of her but Karl listened to her, even though he wanted to know what was wrong and help Mai. 

"She is hiding something and I know she isn't handling it well, but she told me to spend more time with Sapnap and Noah instead of worrying about her..."  Karl was getting really worried and he also had some news he wanted to tell Mai to maybe cheer her up, "I'm going to tell her I'm confessing to Sapnap since she really wanted us to be in a romantic relationship and I can't keep these feelings any longer. I'll make sure it'll be a secret from my father." Karl sat up from his bed and looked out his window. The sky was a beautiful orange color, the prince thought it was the best time to confess.

He immediately ran out his door and down the hall and was met with Mai's bedroom door, but instead of knocking like any normal person would do. He decided to burst the door open with his foot. Mai was pacing around the room and she jumped when the burst open, "Mai! I'm going to confess to Sapnap today because I feel like it's the right time. I know we met like a month ago and I should wait for a bit but I'm impatient and I'll make sure my father doesn't find out." Karl announced. He didn't think much of her pacing, but he could see the worry and sadness on Mai's face.

"Good luck, Karl!" She said, clearly trying to hide the worry with a smile. 

Karl was suspicious but he didn't want to bother Mai so he acted as if he wasn't suspecting a thing, "Thank you, Mai, and you don't need to watch over Noah this time!" Karl shut the door and started to head to the castle main door.


Leaves crunched as Karl walked down the forest pathway with Sapnap and Noah. Karl didn't want any guards to go with him and he was surprised when they took the order, "So, Karl?" Sapnap said, as he turned his gaze to Karl.

Karl immediately turned his gaze to Sapnap and their eyes locked, making both their faces turn red, "Y-Yeah? Do you need anything?" Karl asked, still keeping eye contact.

Sapnap quickly turned his gaze to look in front of him, "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

Karl nervously giggled at the question, "We'll have to go to the mushroom tree so I can tell you there." He said, looking at his surroundings to avoid making eye contact with Sapnap again.

"Don't mushrooms grow in the ground and not on trees?" Noah asked, causing the two adults to giggle.

"You'll see when we get there." Karl said, patting Noah's head, causing the toddler to giggle.

Noah was getting tired of all the walking so Sapnap had to carry him, "He's so adorable, he reminds me of myself when I was younger." Karl said, stroking the sleeping toddler's hair and looking up at Sapnap.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now