Chapter 11 - They come home

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My heart sunk. I felt a bubbling sensation in my throat as my eyes burned. I couldn't lose one of them, I just couldn't. As I watched on, a plan between Peeta and Katniss formed. They each took some nightlock, together and counted to three, both completely committed to their plan before a frantic voice filled the arena.

"Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games."

Katniss and Peeta hugged, and celebrations erupted throughout 12. I stood up and pulled on my boots, grabbing my hunting jacket and pulling it on as I ran through the Seam, weaving through the crowds of people, celebrating the fact that we haven't lost two innocent lives for the first time in years.

Gale must have had the same idea as me, as we met half way between our houses and I ran into his arms. 

"They're coming home!" I said, relieved, as the people of the Seam came together to try to comprehend what had occurred, "Wait. We have to go somewhere." 

I pulled away and continued along the central path, speeding up as I went, Gale following behind me, confused about my sudden movements.

"Go where?"

"The bakery," I said, Gale finally noticing we were heading for the Merchant section, and into the square. Standing outside the bakery was a man, similar looking to Peeta, watching the crowds hug in the relief of District 12 not losing 2 more children to the games. There might finally be hope for twelve after all, this win will give our district more food for the year.  I made my way across the square, through the crowds of people.

"Mr Mellark!"

He turned his head towards Gale and I. He chuckled and opened his arms for me. Truth be told, after my dad passed away, he became a little bit of a second father to me, when his wife's back was turned, of course. I ran into his arms, "I thought I might be seeing you soon, y/n."

I just laughed, pulling away from the hug as I heard a small cough from the bakery door. We focussed our attention to the woman, Mrs Mellark. She gave me and Gale a dirty look before disappearing back inside. Mr Mellark also went inside for a brief moment, I looked at Gale, confused. A few minutes later he came back out, 4 paper bags in his hands, passing 2 to me, and 2 to Gale.

"I think this is a cause for a nice meal. A few of our nicest loaves, pastries and cookies. Go home to your families. I am sure I will see you when our two victors return home." He gives us a final warm smile before heading back inside. 

I turn back to Gale who was looking inside the bags, "You heard the man. Let's go."

The next few days were hectic. The Mayor wanted me and Gale to go hunt for some things to throw a small banquet for when Peeta and Katniss got back, making sure to pay us handsomely for it, because according to him, anything we hunted tasted much better than anything imported from the other districts. The meal would include his family, the head peacekeeper, the Mellark's, the Everdeen's, and others if they wish.

When we went hunting for it, the grass seemed greener, the nature seemed so much more alive. For the first time since the reaping, me and Gale were actually content, although we knew it may never be the same. On the day of when Peeta and Katniss were coming back, I was busy helping the Mayor's kitchen staff prepare the game to cook.

"Y/N, you need to go home and get changed to go welcome your friends back," Lucinda said, an elderly woman with a kind smile and caring heart, taking the turkey I was preparing from me, "Go wash your hands and head back home." 

I nod, going over to the sink to wash my hands, before grabbing my jacket and heading out the back door. I made my way through the streets of people, people buzzing in excitement. I let my mom know I was home, before heading upstairs to our beds to find a nice dress laid out for me to wear. I smile, it was a pale yellow dress that went just above my knees, and matching yellow flats, paid for with some of the money the mayor had paid me for the things Gale and I had brought back from the woods and the meadow. Simple, but I liked it. I got into the metal tub and quickly scrubbed all the dirt off my skin and out of my scalp, before quickly getting out and wrapping an old towel around my body, taking time to dry off myself before sorting out my hair.

"Y/N, we need to leave. They will be arriving soon!" Mom shouted up the stairs, obviously ushering Axel around as her voice kept on get quiet then loud and then quiet again when talking to me.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back, grabbing my dress and carefully putting it on, finishing off with putting my shoes on, I wasn't about to go walking round the Seam barefoot. I then took a quick look in the mirror and smiled. They're on their way back.

I skipped down the stairs with such excitement to see them after preparing myself for the worst for weeks, that the increased pace I had when heading down the stairs made Mom think I was about to fall down them. I took Axel's hand and headed out of the house, Mom closing the door behind us.

"We're late." She told me sternly as I guided Axel towards the train station where Katniss and Peeta would be presented to District 12 as their victors.

"Then we better walk quickly." I say, picking up the pace, Axel laughing as I took his hand and gently pulled him along. Many people were taller than me, so when we arrived I couldn't see them yet, but I guessed they were already there from the cheers echoing around the station. I pushed through the crowd, some people making way for our family, some not. I came up behind Gale with Prim on his shoulders, who was frantically waving at her sister. I poke him in his lower back, him turning around slightly and flashing me a smile, with me returning one. He pointed up to the stage, and I see them, my best friends. The ones I never thought I would see again after the Capitol took them. They seemed happy, smiling and waving, looking out across the crowd, before Katniss looked back at her sister and Gale, noticing me next to the tall boy, she smiled even brighter - no, not brighter, a relieved one fell across her face - and directed a wave in our direction, before leaning over and kissing Peeta on the cheek, telling him something, as she lingered near his ear. His head immediately snapped towards me and similar to Katniss, his smile got even wider and his shoulders visibly relaxed, a twinkle in his eyes. And I wave to him and cheer.

And in that moment I truly realised how in love I was with this boy.

Edited: 27/12/22

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