Chapter 13 - I Love You

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I sat waiting in the woods, waiting for my prey. Breathing in a deep breath, closing my eyes, focusing on the sound of the birds in the trees, the crunch of the snow and leaves under the deers feet, before opening my eyes, and letting the arrow fly.

My arrow hit its target. The deer fell to the ground and I wondered how on earth I was to get it back through the fence. While I watched my breath curl into the frozen air, I wondered about how Peeta and Katniss were. It had been a couple weeks, their tour almost at an end. The first few were hard to watch, and many people from the crowd were killed by the peacekeepers.

I heard someone coming, and I worried it was someone who could punish me for being out of the boundaries of 12. I held my breath, not daring to move from my spot, I was slightly shielded by the bushes and trees, having hid from the deer, but my worry was in vain as I saw a tall figure with dark hair take the arrow out of the animal, wiping the arrowhead with a dirty cloth.

"Nice catch," Gale called over to me, as I rose from my spot, and handed me my arrow, putting it into my quiver. 

"I thought you were working?" I questioned, tying a rope around the deer's legs.

"Rare day off, trust me, I'm shocked too," He replied, checking a near by trap and collecting the game.

"Lets get back," I said, smiling at him.

We made quite a bit of money from the deer, as well as trading for some other things, that was a few days ago and Peeta was coming back today. I was ecstatic. He had given me a key to his house, so I trudged through the slightly waterlogged ground due to the melted snow. Sliding it into the lock, I turned the key and stepped into the warm house. 

I hung up my scarf and coat, placing my gloves on the table by the door, before making my way to the kitchen and taking out the ingredients to make some of Peeta's favourite baked treats. I spent hours in there, the smell reminding me of all the afternoons when Peeta and I would bake together, throwing small pieces of flour at each other, the house filled with laughter. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open. Obviously seeing my belongings by the entrance, I hear him call out for me.


"In the kitchen," I called back wiping my hands on the apron I had placed over my chunky knitted jumper that Mrs Everdeen had made for me. 

"I guessed," Peeta replied, walking into the warm kitchen, "I could smell it from the bottom of the steps. What you making?"

"Your favourite things, figured you'd want them after your trip. Being paraded around for all to see. Congrats on your engagement," I added wiping the sweat off my forehead, turning around to find Peeta right behind me.

"I need to tell you something about that, about you, actually" The blonde told me and I could feel his breath on my face, as he held my hands in his, "I love you, Y/N."

"Peeta, what do you mean?" I knew exactly what he meant, I just didn't actually think this was real, "You can't be serious."

"I've never been more serious in my life, Y/N," I replied, a piece of his blonde hair falling in his face as he look me in my eyes, and his blue eyes telling no lies as I found myself getting lost in them, "I love-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as a gunshot rang out through District 12. Instead of feeling my body fill with butterflies and warmth at the fact the boy I love telling me it wasn't unrequited, my blood ran cold as screams could be heard.

"Peeta, what's happening?" I asked, following him to the front door.

"I don't know, Y/N, I wish I did." Peeta replied, handing me my jacket as he finished slipping his on and opening the door, "Come on."

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