Chapter 12 - The Victors Tour

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It had been 10 months after the games. I was another year older, it had been almost since Peeta had come back, since Katniss came back, and I was somewhat happy.

Two months after the games

"Y/N, go get some bread from the bakery," My mother said from the kitchen, while I was fixing some of our clothes with our small sewing kit.

"I'll head over there in a few minutes, let me just finish fixing this top and then I will go," I replied, sucking my thumb after pricking it with the needle. After finishing patching up the shirt, I put on my jacket and took the money my mother handed me.

I made my way through the seam, waving to people I saw along the way. The sky was bright, and today it seemed like District 12 was more alive, and happy, something I hadn't seen in a while, and it made me smile.

I opened the door to the bakery and the bell rang out as I stepped into the warm building. Hearing the door open, a sandy haired figure walked out of the back of the bakery with a tray of freshly baked bread, placing the golden loafs on display.

"Y/N," the boy smiled, leaning on the counter as I walked over.

"Peeta," I smiled back, placing the money down on said counter, "The usual, please, Mr Mellark."

"Of course," He grabbed a paper bag and placed in a loaf of bread and a few smaller rolls and slid it over to me, "Here you go."

"Perfect, thank you."

"It feels just like old times," Peeta says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It does, I'll see you soon," I replied, walking towards the door, smiling to myself, before turning back when I hear him call my name.

"Y/N! Come to Victors Village, tomorrow, so we can catch up, properly, and not in the bakery, like friends. If you want to, of course," Peeta said, incredibly fast, so fast that I could only just make out what he was saying.

"Of course I'll come, just say the time and I will be there," I quickly cut him off before he could continue rambling.

"11 o'clock?"

"I will see you tomorrow," I smiled even more than I was.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Y/N."

The next day

I spotted Peeta standing outside one of the big houses in Victors Village, in grey trousers and a darker grey jumper that looked incredibly comfortable. I pick up my pace, greeting Peeta with a hug.

"Hey, Y/N," The blonde boy whispered into my ear, filling my stomach with butterflies.

"Peeta," I replied, pulling away and giving him a warm smile, which he returned, and it made my heart skip a beat.

I was so in love with this boy.

"Please come in," Peeta replied, opening up his front door, and allowed me to step inside, "I'll take your coat."

He did so, and I followed him to the kitchen where we had some warm tea, and a slice each of the bread Peeta had made an hour prior.

"So... How are you and Katniss?" I started awkwardly, which he cringed at.

"We're good... As friends," Peeta replied, staring at the liquid in his mug.

"I don't understand? It was-"

"Fake, yeah, to survive... So we could both come home to our families, our friends," Peeta explained quickly, taking a sip of the steaming substance.

My mouth fell into an o shape at the realisation, nodding and taking a bite of the still slightly warm bread, looking around the room, taking in the smell of it. It reminded me of the Mellark bakery.

"Look... You don't have to answer, but how are you coping?" I ask the person in front of me, who sat back in his chair as he heard the question.


"Don't, Peeta, I know for a fact that the Games aren't sunshine and rainbows. Please, let me the person you can confide in. A friend. Someone to trust."

He sighed, making eye contact with me, "Okay, but, not now. I just want to talk about anything other than the games right now."


"Do you like to paint?" He asked me, tilting his head the side and giving me a questioning look.

"Never had the chance to try," I replied, smiling as I took a sip of the slightly cooler drink.

"Then I'm going to teach you," Peeta jumped up from his seat walking round and holding out his hands for me to take.

"Like, now?"


"Now now?"

"Yes!" Peeta yanked me up and dragged me into another room, "Today, you shall learn to paint."

Present Time

And that's how it went, for the past few months I would go to Peeta's House in Victors Village, and we would paint, Katniss sometimes checking to make sure we weren't too engrossed in our art so that we would remember to have lunch. He would talk to me, about the games, about the nightmares, and I'm just glad that he trusts me enough to talk to me about it. Other times we would just sit and hug, feeling safe in the warmth of each others arms, forgetting about the cruel world outside our little bubble.

Today was no different, we had just finished our latest paintings, mine of the forest outside the fence, and Peeta's, of a canopy, one I could only assume came from the Games.

"I guess we've got to say goodbye," I said, walking to the coat stand and taking my jacket.

"Y/n/n, wait, we've still got a few hours before the train comes," Peeta replied, grabbing my hand and turning me towards him, and it made my heart pound.

"Yes, the train, but your stylists will be here soon to get you ready for your talk with Ceaser Flickerman."

"Then stay with me, they won't mind," Peeta begged, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"I've got to get home Peeta, I promise that as soon as you get back, I'll be here." I grabbed his other hand, giving it a squeeze of reassurance.


"I promise. And maybe, when you get back, we can find a good spot to watch the sunset." I suggested, knowing it was his favourite colour and could inspire a painting.

"I will see you soon," Peeta whispered in my ear, as he pulled me into a hug.

"Yup, and when we do, we'll watch the sunset."

Authors note:
You guys are the best! Thank you so much for 3K on this book! I wrote this really quickly so I could get it out as a thank you when I saw we hit 3K reads, so sorry if there's any mistakes, this was also written on my phone. Hope you enjoy!!!

Edited: 27/12/22

We'll Watch the Sunset - Peeta Mellark x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now