Chapter 22 - Tribute Centre

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"Okay, we'll send a team, volunteer only," Coin said, "To rescue the tributes from the Capitol."

"I want to go," Gale said, standing up.

"Okay, Soldier," Coin nodded.

"So do I," I stated.

"I can't let you do that," Coin said.

"And why not?" I challenged her.

"You're a nurse, not a soldier," Coin reasoned.

"Yes, but you and I both know Madam President that any free time I have is spent training in case I ever needed to go out into the field," I argued with her, stating my case, "I've been wanting to save Peeta for months, Madam President, and whether you like it or not, I'm going to the Capitol whether I have your permission or not because we both know that Boggs will let me come because he knows how much this mission means to me."

Coin sighed, looking to Boggs, who just gave her a look saying he agreed with me, Plutarch also spoke up in my defence, "Madam President, y/n is just as well trained as Gale. She spends as much time as possible down in the training rooms, ask Finnick, she spends all her time down there with him anyway."

"Fine, Gale, y/n, Boggs, go suit up, we'll try and find more people willing to go," Coin finally caves, dismissing us.


We flew in silence to the Capitol, hoping that the air defences wouldn't have some sort of backup that could take us out of the sky.

I sat next to Gale, my knee bouncing up and down rapidly from the nerves, Boggs gave me and Gale a small smile and a nod, which we both returned. Gale placed a hand gently on my knee, making me turn my head to look at him.

"You might injure something, y/n/n," He said, which made me take his gloved hand in mine.

"I'm worried Gale," I stated, looking at our hands.

"There's many things to be worried about, anything specific?"

"What if they've killed Peeta? What if Annie and Joanna aren't there? What if we're going to the wrong place? What if it's a trap? What if-"

"Okay, stop saying what if. These are all 'if', okay, they wouldn't kill Peeta if it meant they lose their chance to hurt Katniss, okay, and Plutarch's sources are reliable, we're in the right place, and if it's a trap they're at a disadvantage, it's their power that's out," Gale said, answering my worries.

" Mockingjay One, you are 20 seconds from perimeter defence."

I looked at Gale and he squeezed my hand as we got closer and closer to perimeter defence, "Ten seconds. Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One. No response from perimeter defence."

I let out a breath of relief as we made our way to the tribute centre.

"We're inside Capitol airspace."

"Gear up," Boggs ordered, as more information was being reported back to command.

"Switching to Night View. There. Command, we have visual on the Tribute Centre. Initiating final approach."

"Masks on," Boggs said, pulling his on, me following suit, making sure it was secure around my head before placing my helmet back on.

I clipped on the wire onto my harness that would lower me into the tall building.

"Open the door."

"Command, this is Team Leader. Prepare to deploy gas. We will confirm once inside."

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