Moment's With The Everdeens

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After dinner I would usually head up to check in on Prim and Mrs Everdeen outside of work, and we would catch up on our days, play with Buttercup and Prim would usually ask me to do her hair, which she always found relaxing.

I brushed through Prim's hair while we both reflected on our lives back in 12, remembering the day Gale, Katniss and I had got Lady the Goat for her.

"One of the best days of my life," Prim called it, has I gently started weaving three strands of her hair to create a braid.

"I remember coming with Gale and Katniss to give her to you, your cute little face was so shocked but so incredibly happy," I said, the image of young Prim walking up to Lady for the first time. It was a memory that burned brightly and was ever prominent in my mind. One of my favourite memories of the girl in front of me who sat on the floor against my legs as I did her hair.

Buttercup wandered over, jumping up next to me and walking in a circle a couple of times, trying to find the perfect place to rest. He then flopped down and started relaxing, just watching us talk, I stroked his head a couple of times, before returning back to making Prim's hair look a bit nicer in the braid, fiddling with pieces of her hair to frame her face or make sure it wasn't too tight and things like that.

Mrs Everdeen would usually end up entering the room to Prim and I crying hysterically from laughter at past memories, Axel sometimes joining us.


I smoothed out my nurses uniform and went into Katniss' room. I set down her food tray and gently woke her up.

She opened her eyes slowly and sat up as I brought the food closer towards her. It hurt when she ate but she had just enough pain killers to be able to eat. She gave me a small smile, and started eating her food.

I went around and did some usual checks, before sitting down in the chair next to her bed. She picked up a pencil and wrote on the notepad her doctor had given her.

'𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏?'

"It's been good," I stated, taking a second to think about something interesting that would take Katniss away from the painful recovery of Peeta almost strangling her to death.

"Two people from District 10 showed up, been walking for months based on the chance that 13 was real," I said, "They gave me the dog that belonged to one of their friends. He's called Jasper. You can meet him when your out of hospital."

Katniss was surprised, and gave a questioning look, as if to ask 'why'd they do that?'

"As a thank you for telling them 13 existed and helping them to the hospital, and plus they're not 'dog people' apparently," I explained, "I was just as confused as you were."

She just nodded as much as she could in her neck brace, continuing to eat.

"I've got other patients to see, so I'll see you later," I said, standing up and giving her a quick hug. She waved me goodbye, and I headed off to go see some other patients, and by that, I meant go and look in on Peeta to see if there was any progress since my last shift before I began the rest of my work.


I watched in on the doctors sitting in Peeta's room, asking him questions about what he thought was real and what wasn't. I felt a presence at my side and an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"He's getting better everyday, y/n," Mrs Everdeen reassured me, "Soon we'll be able to try and see how he is with people from 12, like me, and Prim, and you."

I looked to my right at the closest thing I had to a mother, other than Hazel, and gave her a grateful smile. She often always came to find me and reassure me when I felt like there was little hope left of getting even a small bit of the old Peeta back.

"Come on, it's our lunch break," She said, "There's no point fretting over something you can't control. He is getting better. I promise."

I nodded, and she led me away after I have one last look at Peeta before heading up to get Jasper.

We walked along, Jasper at my heels, and Mrs Everdeen comforting me about Peeta.

"Thank you, Mrs Everdeen," I said, out of the blue.

"Whatever for?" She asked, looking at me with a confused look on her face.

"For being my mother figure, along with Hazel," I stated, stopping and looking at her. She came to halt and pulling me into a hug.

"You've been one of my girls since you and Katniss became friends, and you will be forever," She said, pulling away and kissing my forehead, "Now, y/n, let's get some food."

Sorry if these were terrible 😂

One more interval chapter which definitely won't be very long, and then we're on to Mockingjay Part 2!

We're so close to 10K!

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