Finnick Friendship

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I sat with Finnick as we took a break from training, him showing me how to tie an advanced knot on the length of rope he carried with him everywhere.

It was usual for him to sit down and teach me, and it was just as common for us to end up falling into fits of laughter, crying from how hard we were laughing. No matter how the other was feeling, especially in this moment for me, the other always knew how to make them laugh.

"Do you remember the first time we came down here to practice together when you first got out of the hospital?" I asked him.

"Of course I do," He said, his hands still tying the knot on the rope.

"So you remember when you were being silly and Boggs walked in?" I questioned, a smirk on my face.

His head dropped and he groaned, "Why would you remind me? That was the most embarrassing moment of my life!"

I burst into a fit of laughter as Finnick protesting against how funny I was finding this, "No, stop laughing! It wasn't funny!"

This caused me to laugh more, "But it was funny!"

"Yeah, for you!"

He just smiled at my laughter, before shaking his head and laughing lightly along with me.


I practiced with my bow in the shooting range, when I heard a loud crash on the other side of the training room.


He emerged from behind row of dummies, looking sheepish with one hand scratching the back of his neck.

"What did you do?" I questioned him, like a mother scolding her child. Which was ironic seeing as he was years older than me.

"I may, or may not, have banged into something and it fell over..."

"How did you manged that!?" I asked, walking over to him.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" He defended, "I was just practicing with my trident on a few dummies and I tripped over a mat and knocked into some shelves and it fell over."

I walked around the row of dummies and looked at the floor, "You have got to be kidding me, Finnick."

He stood beside me, "Wait, did I miss out the part where it was a shelving unit where some of the swords and axes are stored?"

"Yes, Finnick, you did," I muttered, shaking my head.

I just laughed slightly, making me grin ever so slightly.

"Oops?" He said, looking at me.

"Oops? Really? You better pick those up."

"Aren't you gonna help?"

"I didn't knock them over," I said, already walking away. He groaned loudly, complaining about having to pick them all up, "The less you complain the quicker it will go!"

"Your the most annoying friend I've ever had!" He called over.

"You love me really!"

He just chuckled slightly, "That is... Accurate, yes."


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