Chapter 23 - District 2

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I sat in Command with Haymitch, Jasper resting by my side, head on my lap as I slowly stroked his head.

"Why do you think they called this meeting, Haymitch?" I asked, giving the dog a nice scratch behind his ear, looking over to Haymitch.

"I have no clue, y/n," He said, leaning back in his chair and letting out a long, heavy sigh, shrugging his shoulders, "I know just as much as you about this."

We sat that there for a few more minutes before the door opened to reveal Boggs, Plutarch, Coin and a couple of Peeta's doctors. Haymitch and I stood up, Jasper whining slightly at the loss of his head rest, before Coin told us to sit b ack down and the meeting commenced.

"We know you've been tracking Peeta's recovery very closely, and you know he has been getting better," One of the doctors stated, "And he's very calm with us. But we are strangers to him. So, what we thought is that we could send in someone from District 12, someone he knows, someone he trusts."

"If this all goes well, y/n," Plutarch jumped in, causing me to look at the man, "You can visit him as often as you wish. It'll be good for him."

I looked to Haymitch, and he gave me a reassuring smile, I looked back to the doctors, Plutarch and Coin, "When?"

"Today, they can go prep him for it now and you can ready yourself for it," Boggs suggested from behind me.

I nodded slightly, "Okay. I'll just finish my rounds in the hospital while you do."

With that, I stood up and walked out, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do, Haymitch and Jasper walking after me, and the former saying words of comfort and reassuring me. Nerves filled me, head to toe. My palms became sweaty as I anxiously wringed them together, focussing less on Haymitch's words and more on the sound of my feet making contact with the floor in a rhythmic pattern on the metal as we made our way to the hospital.

I made myself useful around the hospital for the next half an hour before I saw one of Peeta's doctors make their way over to me.

"He's ready," She said, giving me a small, reassuring nod, and I followed her through the hospital to Peeta's room. She opened a door to a small room where a guard was waiting, "Just wait in here and the door will buzz when we're all set."

So I waited in there for a few minutes before a buzzing sound filled my ears, the guard opened the door and I stepped inside, I let the door softly close behind me and I walked slowly over to Peeta's bed.


"Hey, Peeta," I said, and I sat down on the edge of the bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Been better," He said quietly.

I slowly moved my hand to hold his, which was tied at the wrist to the bed. I lightly squeezed his hand, and he looked down at it and for a second I thought I had made him upset, before he lightly squeezed back, looking back up and giving me a small smile.

"How'd you get here?" Peeta asked.

"We live in district 13 now," I stated, "It's a real place. Stories are true. They found us in the woods, took us to 13. You were rescued. I helped rescue you."

"My family hasn't come to see me," Peeta mumbled, and I bowed my head, shutting my eyes, "There was an attack on 12."

I nodded, "Yes."

"My family?" Peeta asked, and I felt my heart break slightly.

"The bakery didn't survive," I said, looking up at him, "Peeta, someone did try to save them."

"It's katniss. It's because of Katniss," Peeta said, and I knew this could only go one way and took my hand out of his.

"It wasn't because of her," I shook my head softly.

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