Chapter 21 - Air Raid Drill

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"Honestly, Finnick, how did you manage this?" I said, as I busied around him, cleaning up a cut on his arm.

"I was training with my trident!" He retorted, raising his arms in front of him in defence.

"Hands down."


I just laughed, and gave him a one armed hug, before continuing to patch him up.

"So, how are you?" He asked. I paused wrapping a bandage round his arm.

"Fine. Works been busy, training with you is always fun. I just wish I could go hunting with Katniss and Gale." I responded, finishing up with his bandage and cleaning up. I heard him stand up off of the bed, and place a hand on my wrist, turning me around to face him.

"I meant about Peeta."

I sighed, "I don't know. I just hope there's another interview so I can at least know that he's alive."

Finnick nodded in understanding, "I'll let you get back to work."

I smiled slightly, "I'll see you later."

He gave me a hug, leaving me to get back to tending to my patients.

"Hello, Neal, how are you today?" I asked one of the patients I was assigned to look after, apart from Mrs Everdeen, of course.

"I'm fine," The man said, no older than 20.


"Problems? No. Nothing. Just the usual pain from recovering from an injury."

"Well you seem to have a problem with me," I said, placing his clipboard on the side of his bed.

"It's you and that boy in the capitol. He's a traitor. And yet you still support him," He snaps at me.

"He was kidnapped. He has been through hell because of Snow. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't like fighting. He is saying anything he can so they don't kill him." I bit back, rearranging his blankets.

"Doesn't look like it, he looks nice and sparkly doing wonderful interviews in the Capitol in expensive clothes and his hair done to perfection."

The Capitol logo came on the screen in Neal's room. I turned towards the screen, I watched on as Caeser did his usual introductions, and I gasped as I saw Peetas's face come on the screen. I heard Neal gasp too.

"She was arguably our favourite Tribute," Caeser said, "And I think that's what we all find most astonishing, is that this girl was adored in the Capitol. And I think for you, Peeta, it must be particularly painful."

"I wish I could give this rose to you." Peeta muttered.

"Katniss?" Peeta subtly shook his head, before looking back up at Caeser, fear flodding his eyes, realising his mistake.

"Yes," He said, nodding.

I stepped back, sitting down in the chair beside Neal's bed before my knees buckled underneath me, "He's so much worse than before."

"I take back everything I said." I heard Neal say, his eyes scanning Peetas's face.

"A sweet gesture for a girl who has inspired such violence. You must love her very much to be able to forgive her." Caeser replied.

"His hands. His whole body, it's shaking," I raised my hand up to cover my mouth.

"I don't think that I could," Caeser commented, "Unless, of course, Peeta, you think that perhaps she's being forced into saying things that she doesn't even understand."

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