Chapter 15 - Goodbye

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The reaping was fast approaching and Peeta, Haymitch and Katniss had been training hard. I would often sit on the steps of Katniss' House and watch them, helping out if needed.

After falling asleep at Peeta's after finding out about the Quarter Quell, he barely spoke to me, claiming this was for the best. Over and over he told me that it's to keep me safe, from Commander Thread, from the peacekeepers, from Snow. He had attempted to keep me safe by not spending as much time together before but there it just felt like a force kept pushing us back together, and in the end, we would always end up next to each other.

I would sit and watch him while he trained, and my mind would constantly be whispering that he might not make it out alive again. It always kept me up at night while Gale snored away in the bed on the other side of the room. I would contemplate telling him that I loved him as well, so he would know that his feelings were reciprocated, but what if it added to the pain of being ripped away again to the Capitol if he volunteered?

My heart is telling me to let him know.

My brain is telling me to keep my feelings to myself.

And in the end my logic always won.

Focusing back on the three Victors, I watch them for the next few minutes before going inside to help Mrs Everdeen make lunch while Prim is out making some errands. I cut the vegetables, I keep an eye on the bread that's baking and I talk with Mrs Everdeen as she cooks some pasta so we could make a pasta salad.

"How's Gale? I haven't seen him in a while." Mrs Everdeen asks as she collects some bowls while I got the silverware.

"He's okay, furious still, though," I say as I help make the table, "The mines keep him busy."

She sighs, walking around to some cabinets to get some serving bowls for the different veggies, "And you?"

"Schools been boring, as usual, learning about coal... Again," I say, taking out the bread.

"I wasn't talking about school."

I hesitate for a second, before placing down the bread tin and letting it cool down, "I'm coping, I suppose, Peeta won't talk to me, won't even look at me, saying it's to protect me. Katniss seems to be distancing herself slightly, I'm guessing it's to make it easier for when the reaping comes. But it's hard, for them, and I can't help but think of the worst scenarios."

We place the bowls of different vegetables on the dining table before taking seats next to each other. We sat there in silence for a good few minutes, before she took my hand in hers and I look at her.

"Whatever happens, we'll look out for each other, like we always have, and always will. I won't shut off again like I did after his death."

"I'll always be here for you Mrs Everdeen, and Prim," I say, giving her a grateful smile, as now more than ever it's nice to hear some words of reassurance.

She nods at me, before standing up, "I'll finish up with the pasta, could you cut the bread and get some butter for it?"

I nod, setting to do my tasks as she does hers. When Mrs Everdeen was attending to some last minute things for lunch I head out with three hand towels. Approaching them, I called out.


All three of them paused and looked towards me, Haymitch and Katniss walking over, taking a towel each to wipe the sweat off their face and necks.

"Thank you, Y/n," Haymitch said, nodding in thanks.

Peeta slowly came over and took the towel, muttering a small thank you before turning away. His hand had brushed mine as he took the cloth from my hand and even when he's ignoring me, it still made my heart rush and made butterflies appear in my stomach. I shrug it off, before addressing all of them.

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