Chapter 3 - Goodbye

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The Peacekeeper lead me down through the hall and came to a large wooden door, turning the handle and opening the door, "You have 5 minutes."

I walked in, sorrow filling my body as I saw the boy sitting on the couch, looking so helpless in this current situation and it made me feel so sorry for him. Peeta stood up and strode over to me and I hugged him, him returning the gesture. We were friends for years due to always being seated next to each other school and I couldn't help but feel upset and have an urge to comfort the baker's boy, but it ended up with my crying in his arms.

"It will be okay, y/n," Peeta muttered, rubbing my back comfortingly in the embrace, but we both knew that it wouldn't.

"What about Katniss? Twenty-four go in, only one comes out, that's how the story ends."

"I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it." He muttered to me, obviously in a tight spot himself.

Peeta pulled away from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders allowing me to look him in the eyes, "Remember when we talked about our favorite things to do back in school and we both said we liked watching the sunset? If I die in that arena, you will see me every day when the sun goes down."

I smiled slightly, remembering that day at school like it was yesterday, while he continued, "And if I do make it back, the first thing we'll do is watch the sunset."

I nodded, opening my mouth to say something before thinking better of it and shutting my mouth again, but he noticed that something was bothering me.

"You can tell me anything," he brushed his fingers delicately across my cheek before cupping my cheek with his hand, making a light rose color dust my cheeks.

"Peeta... I like you." I told him, slightly hesitantly, but he just smiled.

"When did you realize that?"

I looked at him, blue meeting e/c, "Since our first project together at school." 

He chuckled, "It's been years. You've waited this long to tell me?" 

I shrugged, "I never thought you would like me back, so I never told you." 

I then thought about something and then I looked down at my wrist where a silver bracelet rested, before taking it off and showing it to him, "My dad was given this on his 12th birthday, to protect him during the reaping's, my mum then gave it to me on my 12th, since dad wasn't around to give it to me. It has kept us safe so far."

"If you're saying what I think you're saying, then I can't," He looked at me with wide eyes, so I took his hand and placed it in the palm of his hand, closing his fingers around it.

"To keep you safe."  

He took the bracelet and put it on, "I won't take it off. I'll keep it with me in the arena." 

He gave me a final hug before the Peacekeeper came to take me away because our time was up.

After Prim and Mrs. Everdeen left, Gale and I were allowed to see Katniss, and Gale went in first, while I followed, eyes still slightly glossy from my previous meeting with Peeta.

"Y/n, you alright?" Katniss asked, noticing my watery eyes, and I shook my head, walking towards her and wrapping her in my arms, not wanting to let her go because it could be the last time I see her.

"She just went to say goodbye to Peeta, they've been friends for years." Gale spoke, explaining my already tearful nature, "Catnip, you know how to hunt, you just need to get your hands on a bow." 

"They don't always have one," She replied, still hugging me.

"Then you make one, even a weak one is good. You've been hunting all your life." He said. 


"There's no difference." He said sadly. 

I let her go so Gale and Katniss could say goodbye.

"Don't let them starve."

"You know we won't." Gale whispered.

We all had a group hug before the Peacekeepers came in, but after saying potentially my last goodbye to two of my friends I wouldn't move, not wanting to leave my friend who I've known since I was a toddler, and Gale had to drag me along and take me out so the Peacekeeper wouldn't have to do it. 

Gale and I then met up with our families and the Everdeen's as we made our way to the station, finding a spot so we could see the two when they arrived at the train.

When they finally appeared upon a stage with Effie Trinket ushering them onto it, I hugged Gale from the side, feeling overwhelming sadness fill my heart again. Peeta scanned the crowd and his eyes fell on me, and I waved to him, and he waved back, the silver bracelet glinting in the sun on his wrist.

The look on his face and in his eyes as he looked at me made me think that there was something unspoken that he wished to say to me, but perhaps that was just me hoping for some form of comfort.

As the doors shut after Effie hurried the two into the train, I buried my head into Gale's side as the reality of the situation came crashing down on me in one massive tidal wave of emotions.

Edited: 22/10/22

We'll Watch the Sunset - Peeta Mellark x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now