Chapter 4 - Opening Parade

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Gale and I went to the woods and he sat down by a tree while I checked the traps that we had set up earlier the previous morning when nothing was wrong.

After scouting around the forest to where I knew the traps were, I came back with 5 rabbits and 3 squirrels. I gave 3 rabbits and 2 squirrels to Gale, since he had 2 more mouths to feed, and putting the remaining 2 rabbits and squirrel into my game bag. 

"Let's go hunt some more to trade at the Hob." I said, my voice missing its usual excitement whenever I was away from the District in the woods.

"You okay, y/n/n?" He asked me.

I looked at him, and I felt tears rushing to my eyes, since my tactic of avoiding all questions and thoughts about what happened yesterday had failed, "How can I be okay Gale? They've taken Katniss and Peeta. Apart from you, they were they only friends I ever had. I hate President Snow, I hate the selfish people of the Capitol, I despise living in Panem. Everything here is horrendous and always ends up with people dying, whether it be from the games or from lack of resources. I just want to live in a place, where all of us can live freely from the rules of the Treaty of Treason."

"Let's hunt, it always makes you feel better," He handed me my bow, which I took and wiped my tears, and he gave me a hand so I could stand and he pulled me into a hug, before we set our minds to hunting so we could maybe get more things from the Hob.

Later that evening, I sat watching the Capitol coverage of the Tribute parade, hearing Caeser Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith talk about their guesses for what the arena might be like this year, what the different outfits will be. I was just hoping that they didn't dress them up like coal miners again or slathered in coal dust.

Mom was out in the kitchen making dinner with some of the things Gale and I hunted and traded for at the Hob, Axel sitting next to me and watching the footage with me as the first tributes started rolling along the Avenue of the Tributes. The costumes were extravagant, but you could tell how much imagination each stylist had. Some were obvious and easier to design, others not so much, so when it came to the districts such as twelve, the designers really had to think outside the box... Which not many did. 

Mine and Axel's favorite activity to do during Tribute Parade's would be to discuss the outfits, which ones were the best, the worst, the most creative and the ideas that needed to be retired. 

When the coal black horses finally pulled the District 12 chariot onto the Avenue and the camera's focused in on the two people who were being pulled along by the majestic creatures, my jaw dropped.

Katniss and Peeta commanded the group of twenty-four, looking much different than what I was expecting, because they were engulfed in flames, and it illuminated them, making them stand out from the crowd. Even Glimmer and Marvel's bright pink feathers couldn't distract the crowd from the back of the line.

Peeta looked handsome in his outfit, and when the two held up their hands in a show of unity and pride to be from District 12, I smiled. However as more thoughts of how great Peeta looked invaded my mind, I internally scolded myself, knowing there was a high chance that the boy wouldn't make it back, and by continuing to have this crush on him, it would hurt even more than it would as his friend if he died in that arena.

The chariots then came to a stop in front of stage, where President Snow would give a short speech.

"Welcome. Welcome. Tributes. We welcome you," He started, and I was filled with rage at this man, "We salute the courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor."

After they disappeared into the Tribute Centre, the battered old TV turned back to static and we all headed to bed, although I stayed awake half the night because every time I closed my eyes, images of Peeta and Katniss dying in every possible way imagined would flash before my eyes. 

The only comfort I found to stop me thinking of this was analyzing every last part of Peeta and I's goodbye and his face at the station, and wondering what would have happened if we had more time to say goodbye. Would he have told me that he loved me too? Or would he not? What about his promise to never take off the bracelet? Did that mean something more or was it just him being a friend and attempting to comfort me while finding comfort in something he could take into the arena? 

I guess I may never know.

Edited: 23/10/22

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