Chapter 20 - District 8

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I was wondering around the hospital, attending to the patients, no Finnick. He was finally discharged, and now I didn't get to see him as much, but he always made sure to schedule a daily training session, I would teach him how to use a bow or throw a knife and he would teach me how to use his trident. It was fun, and then by the end, we would go up to dinner, and just talk. It was great.

Axel would join us, and we would sit with Katniss and Prim, the Hawthornes too. When it was the days where I finished in time to have dinner at the same time as the rest of them, I couldn't wait for my shift to finish. Those dinners became my favourite times of the week.


"You had all of this and you just left the districts to fend for themselves?" Katniss asked, looking around as Boggs led Katniss and I to the hovercraft we would take to District 8.

"It's not that simple, Katniss. We barely survived," Boggs explained, "We weren't in any kind of shape to launch a counter-attack. Yeah, we could've bombed the Capitol but they would've retaliated with at least twice the firepower. Then what? There would've been nobody left to claim victory."

"Sounds like exactly what Peeta said when you all called him a traitor," I muttered.

"This way, soldier's," Boggs said.

"You are camera-ready," Effie said, fussing over Gale, "Doesn't your comrade look handsome?"

"Let's go."

"Come back safe," Effie called to the three of us as we headed up the ramp with Boggs to where Plutarch was waiting with 4 other people.

"Quick introductions, Katniss," Plutarch said, no greeting, wanting to get this done quickly, "These people have come a long way to support the cause. This is Cressida. In my opinion one of the best up-and-coming directors in the Capitol."

"Until I up and left," Cressida commented, "Hey."

"Hey," Katniss replied, I just gave Cressida a small wave when she looked at me.

"Let's see what you can do. Be careful," Plutarch said, walking down the ramp of the hovercraft.

"This is my assistant, Messalla," Cressida featured behind her to a man standing just behind her.

"It's an honour to meet you," He offered a small smile.

"And your cameramen over there, Castor."


"And Pollux," the man with his blonde hair in a tight bun gave a warm smile to Katniss, Gale and I.

"Let's get locked in," Boggs said, everyone going to find a seat.

"You're all from the Capitol? Plutarch got you out?" Katniss asked Pollux, sitting on his right, while I sat on his left.

"Don't expect much chitchat from him," Cressida said, making me look at her, "He's an Avox. Capitol cut his tongue out years ago. And, no, it wasn't any sort of rescue, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own. For this. For you."

I leant my head back, shutting my eyes, before opening them again, feeling a few pairs of eyes on me, I looked around to see Cressida, Messalla, Castor and Pollux all looking at me. I realised I was the only one they didn't know, having met Gale before Katniss and I. Pollux pointed at me, his face questioning.

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