Chapter 2 - The Reaping

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When I get home, Axel was wearing a plain blue button up shirt and shorts with the smartest shoes we could afford, and his hair brushed into a side sweep, that would never flop in his face, even without anything to stop it.

Laying on my bed was a white dress with a band of blue fabric as the belt, with matching blue flats, and the bath was filled and waiting for me. In the cooling water, I scrubbed away the dirt and sweat from hunting and cleaned my hair. After making sure I was completely clean, I got out and dried myself off, putting on my outfit and my mother styles my hair to look nice for the Reaping, because you never know if you will be the one to end up on that stage, and even if we don't, they always expect us to look as presentable as possible for the people of the Capitol. 

My mom puts her hands on my shoulders, and I stare into her eyes that were flooded with a swirling storm of worry and sorrow.

"I love you, I love you so much, and if you do get reaped, which I'm not saying you will, but if you do, thank you for helping look after us." She says to me, comfortingly rubbing her hand over my upper arm.

"I love you too, mom." I replied, wishing for us to just be able to stay here, never have to go to another reaping again.

"Come here y/n." Mom embraced me and we stood there, hugging each other, and at some point, Axel joined us in the family cuddle.

I told myself over and over again in my mind that everything will be fine and that those close to me will be okay. That Prim and Katniss will be okay, that Gale, Vick and Rory won't be picked. They wouldn't take Axel, they couldn't, they can't take Peeta either, now that I think about it, I couldn't bear to see any of them be sent into an arena to be killed.

Mom, Axel and I joined the stream of people who were heading towards the Justice Building ready for the Reaping, to get checked in and then ushered into age pens like cattle. I got separated from Axel, having my finger pricked and pressed against a page, being dismissed and I walked towards my group without any need for guidance by the Peacekeepers, hoping to find Katniss and stand with her during the reaping.

Finding her, I touch her arm lightly, letting her know that I was there while she looked around for Prim and I did the same for Axel, making sure he had gotten to his place in the crowds, but because there were so many kids, I wasn't able to see him.

When the Reaping began, I looked around the square, Katniss doing the same but this time to find the same person, and when we located Gale we all smirked at the video that had a voiceover of President Snow that got boring 1 second into it in our first year. I spotted Peeta as well and he gave me a nervous smile, which I quickly returned after switching it from a smirk to a comforting smile, and he looked away, a small blush spreading across is sweet face.

Wait, it wasn't sweet. I had to keep reminding myself that this crush I had was going nowhere and it would just be better if I forgot about my hopeful romantic feelings.

Effie Trinket, the District 12 escort, said what she always said for the Reaping, "Ladies first!"

Crossing the stage to the ball holding all the names of the 12 to 18 year old girls living in the mining district, Effie rummaged around inside before pulling out a slip of paper, then crossed back to the microphone that was center stage on the temporary platform outside the slightly rundown Justice Building.

Opening it, she called out the name, "Primrose Everdeen!"

My mouth dropped open as a hesitant Prim walked towards the stage, ready to mount the steps, but before she could Katniss yelled from beside me, "Prim! Prim! I volunteer!"

She charged down and broke through the line of Peacekeepers, "I volunteer as tribute."

At that moment Prim the clung onto her sister, crying hysterically, making me run through the crowds and kneel down beside Prim, muttering calming words to her, and Gale came to help, and when he got her off Katniss, I quickly scooped her up, and walked off to where I saw Mrs Everdeen, Gale going back to his place with the 18 year old boys. 

When I left Prim with her mother, who thanked me while she hugged her youngest, I went back to my place and zoning out while trying to process what just happened until I hear the male tributes name being read out...

"Peeta Mellark!"

My tears threatened to spill from my eyes, and in my head I kept telling myself that this couldn't be happening, it couldn't be. That it was just a nightmare and when I wake up the Reaping hadn't even happened yet. But I knew there were cameras around so I wiped my tears and tried to stay strong, fiddling with part of my dress to keep myself occupied. And as they headed into the Justice Building and the rest of Twelve filed out, I found Axel, Gale, my mother, Mrs. Everdeen and Prim, and we all embraced each other, trying to process together what just happened.

"This can't be happening." I said, voice wobbling.

"I can't believe it." Gale muttered, and you could feel the anger radiating off of him and it felt suffocating.

We were directed into the entrance hall and sat on the chairs, waiting to be called in for our time slots to say goodbye.

After the Mellarks left after saying goodbye to their son, a Peacekeeper asked if there was anyone else there to see him, and I decided to go in and bid farewell to him, something I had only ever said so casually to him when it was the end of a school day or when I was leaving the bakery. But this time this might be the last time I ever say anything to him again.

Edited: 22/10/22

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