Family Dinner

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"Thank you," I said as the kitchen staff put together my dinner on a tray for me to take and get the side options and my drink.

Gale followed right behind me, and as soon as we got what we wanted, we made our way over to a table consisting of Annie, Finnick, Hazel, Vic, Rory, Posy, Prim, Axel and Haymitch. I sat down between Haymitch and Axel, while Gale sat between his youngest sibling, Posy, and his mom, Hazel.

Jasper sat under the table in between Haymitch and I with his head on Haymitch's leg, who often took a break from eating to pat Jasper's head.

"Did you hear what happened in lessons today, Prim?" Axel asked, looking at the girl before taking a sip of his water, Vic and Rory looking at each other and then back to Axel for an explanation.

"Of Zak making a fool of himself? Absolutely," She replied, laughing to herself.

"Okay, I hear Axel complain about Zak enough," I say, giving Jasper a piece of my food, even though he already had his share. Coin had gotten word to her contacts in District 10 that they needing some dog food and the rebels managed to get some to 13 for the border collie that sat under the table, "I deserve to hear this story."

"I need a laugh," Haymitch said, placing his cutlery down and resting his head on his hand and everyone directed their gaze on Axel.

He laughed and gave in, finishing the last bit of his food and started to tell his story, "So, Zak is obviously really full of himself, talking about he's the best because he's one of very few children who have parents high up in District 13."

"I've met him in the training room before," Finnick stated, "He's horrible, asked for private training lessons after watching y/n/n and I practicing and correcting us on every little detail-"

"Which weren't even correct, might I add," I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Exactly, honestly made me want to chuck my trident very close to his head to scare him," Finnick said, Annie immediately scolding him.

"He drives everyone in class crazy," Prim said, shaking her head.

"So, he says he's really smart, and we all thought he was, getting 100% on every test," Axel said, looking around at everyone, "Turns out he's been stealing the quiz answers."

"Oh, this won't end well," Gale commented, giving me a look about the person from his year back in 12 who did the same and got a month detention for it.

"Teacher gave out the tests today, that we did last week," Axel continued, giving Prim a knowing look.

"He got every single one of them wrong," Prim stated, Axel and her both laughing, "But that wasn't the funniest part, because he storms up to the teacher, and says 'how are my answers wrong when they were the ones on the answer sheet!?' Confirming to Miss that he had been cheating."

"She switched the tests last minute to catch him cheating," Axel explained, "His reaction when he realised was priceless."

We were all laughing from how ridiculous it was and how he had accidentally told everyone he had been cheating.

"How long is he going to be in detention?" Hazel asked, taking a sip of her water.

"Not sure," Axel shrugged, "But his ego has definitely deflated, thank goodness."

"Let that be a lesson to you kids," Haymitch said, looking around at Posy, Vic, Rory, Axel and Prim, "Don't get caught cheating."

I smacked Haymitch's arm, scolding him, while Hazel told them to ignore his words, "Or just don't cheat in the first place."

After we all finished having dinner, a few of us split ways, Hazel taking Posy to bed, Annie deciding to get an early night and Prim heading to the hospital to spend some time with Katniss and her mom, and the rest of us, including Haymitch, all headed to mine and Axel's room to play a game that Katniss had taken when she first visited 12, before we went to film the propo.

It always got quite competitive but it was always a lot of fun. Afterwards, depending on what time it was, I would read the kids a story from one of Peeta's books. Today, it was Rory's turn to choose, and it was one of a daring sword fight, and dragons.

With all the voices and sound effects I added to make the story come to life, and the many giggles from them, with Gale just smirking in the corner and Haymitch watching on like a proud dad, it became one of my favourite times, more than dinner. Finnick would love to play one of the characters, acting out what was happening with Gale to make the younger ones laugh. Jasper either next to me on the bench, or next to Haymitch who would be lounging on my bed with Jasper by his side.

Family dinners were the best, as were the games and stories that followed afterwards. All that was missing was Katniss and Peeta.

Sorry, not the best and not the longest but enjoy the family friendships between everyone!

This is the last interval chapter, but now we're on to Mockingjay Part 2!!!

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