Chapter 24 - Wedding

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It was sunny. Hot. Making my way to the bakery that fateful morning. Everytime the reaping rolls round, many people around District 12, particularly the older kids, would have a sense of confidence, thinking to themselves, 'I've made it this far, survived a few years without being chosen, there's no chance I will this time.'

How foolish we were.

The young ones almost crying of fear as they were rounded into a pen like sheep, the oldest ones wanting this over with so they can go back to trying to provide in anyway they can to help feed their families. The ones in the middle who were both terrified and mouthing the words to the video played every year before it even starting.

Never do they think that it will be them. Never do they think they could get chosen. Never do they think their friend will get chosen until it happens. Never did I think my world would change so quickly.

"Primrose Everdeen!"

"What's your name, dear?"

"Katniss Everdeen."

"Peeta Mellark!"

"Attention Tributes. Attention!The regulations acquiring a single victor has been suspended! From now on, two victors maybe crowned if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement."


"Attention. Attention Tributes. There has been a slight rule change. The previous provision allowing for two Victors from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor maybe crowned. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor."



"Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen.
May I present the winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games."

It was a miracle they both were able to come back, but nothing would ever be the same again.

"Tell me a story."

"Of what, Peeta?"

"Anything. Anything at all, I don't care. Just distract me from the games."

Finding out it was all an act was a relief, but still not a weight taken away with Snow always lurking.

I hung up my scarf and coat, placing my gloves on the table by the door, before making my way to the kitchen and taking out the ingredients to make some of Peeta's favourite baked treats. I spent hours in there, the smell reminding me of all the afternoons when Peeta and I would bake together, throwing small pieces of flour at each other, the house filled with laughter. I snapped out of thought when I heard the door open. Obviously seeing my belongings, I hear him call out.


"In the kitchen," I called back wiping my hands on the apron I had placed over my knitted jumper that Mrs Everdeen had made for me. 

"I guessed," Peeta replied, walking into the warm kitchen, "I could smell it from the bottom of the steps. What you making?"

"Your favourite things, figured you'd want them after your trip. Being paraded around for all to see. Congrats on your engagement," I added wiping the sweat off my forehead, turning around to find Peeta right behind me.

"I- I need to tell you something," The blonde told me, I could feel his breath on my face, as he held my hands in his, "I love you, Y/N."

"Peeta, what- what do you mean?" I knew exactly what he meant, I just didn't actually think this was real, "You can't be serious."

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