Chapter 1

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"Hurry! We have to save the turtles!" Ono shouted.

"We're going to be to late! They will have fallen of the cliff by then! "Kion said. "Fuli! You need to race ahead and save them!" 

Fuli looked at Kion unsure. "Your sure?" She asked. Kion grinned. "I'm sure"

"Alright then, Huwezi!" Shouted Fuli as she raced ahead. Sure enough Fuli was able to save the turtles just in time. 

"Wow! Good job Fuli! "Kion praised. 

"Guess that was a one cheetah job for you Fuli. "Beshte said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Fuli said. "But I don't want to do that a lot, Last time I did, I was almost eaten by vultures." 

The guard laughed. "Don't worry Fuli," Said Bunga. "Your friends will always be here for you, and Kion too." 

There was an awkward silence followed by Kion's awkward laugh." I think what Bunga means is that me and Fuli are friends" Kion said glaring at Bunga. "Just like you guys." 

"Right." Bunga said with an awkward laugh. 

"I'll be right back guys," Fuli said before running off.

"Great going Bunga." Kion mumbled then walked off.

"Was it something I said?" Bunga asked. Ono and Beshte both said together "Yes!"

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now