Chapter 15

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"Ugh! Which way was the pit?!" Fulio groaned. Fuli went every direction from the tree the elephant was in. Fuli sniffed the air. "Ugh, I can barely even grasp his scent!" She yelled impatiently.

 Just as Fuli was almost ready to give up, she heard a shrieking laugh.

Fuli gasped. "Janja! What's he doing back in the pride land?!" Fuli ran in the direction from which it came. It led her to the pit. But Janja wasn't there, and neither was Fulio.

"Oh no!" Fuli exclaimed. "They've must've taken him back to the outlands! Or worse, they've eaten him!" Fuli stood there in worried confusion for a moment. 

Fuli sighed. "I need to go get the guard."


Fulio slowly opened his eyes. This was the second time he was knocked out in one day. Fulio found himself being dragged by Cheezi and Chungu.

"Where are you taking me?!" Fulio yelled. But they ignored him. Fulio looked at his surroundings.  "They took me to the outlands," He mumbled as he saw the barren land. 

Fulio saw that they were taking him to a volcano. "A volcano!?" He exclaimed "You're not gonna throw me in the lava, are you? Or are you going to cook me and eat me?!" 

Janja, who was in front of Cheezi and Chungu, rolled his eyes. "Can you just shut up?!" he yelled.

Fulio did shut up. I hope they do it fast, he thought. 

Once they were inside the volcano, Fulio saw Reirei and Kiburi, the jackal and crocodile leaders.  

Jackals and Crocs! Fulio exclaimed in his head. What is this? a potluck?

"Listen, maybe we can-"  Fulio started but stopped when the volcano when up in flames and the most unbelievable sight was seen. 

A lion, more like a lion head, made of fire. 

"Wha-wha-wha-" Fulio stammered. Nobody paid attention to Fulio. Scar was obviously mad at someone else. 

"Janja!" He roared. "What are all these complaints I hear about you?" 

Janja gulped. "Um...what complaints?" He asked nervously.

"Reirei and Kiburi said that your hyenas didn't distract the lion guard!" Scar said.

"They did...but the lion guard managed to find out about the attack," Janja explained. 

"Next time, I won't put so much trust in you." Scar said. 

Janja's ears went back. Now, Scar noticed Fulio. 

"Who's this?" He asked.

"He was part of the bait, but the lion guard forgot to rescue him, so we brought him here," Janja explained. "But, if he has no use we'll just eat him." 

Fulio's eyes widened. 

"hmm...Perhaps he does have some use." Scar said. "If he's the lion guard's friend, we can lure them in here, and then kill the lion guard once and for all!" 

Fulio's eyes widened again. Why am I always the bait? he thought, and if I'm not the bait, I'm the food!

"So...what do with the cheetah?" Janja asked. 

"Leave him in the volcano, you hyenas stay with him, hopefully, the guard won't make it to the volcano." Scar explained.

"But...won't they need me to attack the lion guard?" Janja asked.

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now