Chapter 2

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"I can't believe you said that Bunga!" Kion complained when they were at the lair. 

"Oh please! I'm pretty sure the whole pride lands know you have a crush on her!' Bunga said laid back. "I was just trying to drop a hint."

"NO BUNGA!" said Kion. "I DON"T want you to do that! You probably scared her off, and now she thinks I like her!" 

"But you do." Bunga remarked. Kion roared at Bunga. 

"Oh, sorry Bunga." He said ashamed. 

"Hakuna Matata, Kion." Bunga said. "I know I can be a little annoying sometimes."

Kion raise his eyebrows. "A little? Sometimes?"


"Ugh, I can't believe he just friend zoned me." Fuli said staring at the water below her. "I'm probably just imagining things when it seems like he likes me. Pft, A cheetah, and a lion/ How could I ever think?" 

Fuli looked down at the water, then looked away. "Who am I even talking too anyways? My reflection?" Fuli sighed.  " I just wish I could somehow tell Kion I like him, more then a friend." 

"I could help you with that." Said a voice.

Fuli jumped with surprise. "Who said that?!" 

"Me!" Laughed the voice. A male cheetah approached Fuli. "The names Fulio. The Amazing Fulio." He said. 

"Oh," Fuli said surprised. "I've, never seen another cheetah around here." 

Fulio laughed. "Well, that's because I'm new to the pride lands." He glanced at the water then at Fuli. "I couldn't help over-hearing your conversation with, well, yourself." Fulio said laughing a little. 

Fuli frowned. "Yeah, it was a little embarrassing, I guess.." She grunted. Fulio laughed. "you can say that again!" Fuli groaned. "Ok! ok! now, what to you want smarty-pants?" She snapped.

"Just to help you."

"Help me? How? By giving me your stupid two-sense?" Fuli yelled. 

"Humph, no wonder your single." Fulio grunted. 

Fuli's jaw dropped. "Why you little..."  


"Ono?" Fuli said when she saw ono flying towards her. 

"Fuli! We've been looking all over for you!" Ono said, then glanced at Fulio. "Who's your friend?' He asked. Before Fuli could say that they were NOT friends, Fulio burst out with laughter.  

"Your name is FULI! HAHAHAH! If it wasn't for your bird friend, I would've thought you'd make that up just to match with mine! HAHA!  Fuli and Fulio! HAHAHA!" He laughed. Fuli glared. "Ono, I'll meet up with you and the guard later" Fuli glanced at the laughing Fulio. "i need to deal with this first." 

"Affirmative." Ono said unsurely, the flew off. 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now