Chapter 10

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This changed everything. Everything.

Fulio stood there in amazement. 

Kion? like Fuli? He thought. 

This made Fulio's job a lot easier. Yet...Fulio kinda wished that he didn't hear it. He almost didn't want Kion to like Fuli. 

"I should probably tell Fuli, but..." Fulio said. "Maybe I'll just keep this between me and myself." He said reassured with his decision.


"Where's Fulio Kion?" Bunga asked once he and Tifu were inside the lair. 

"Oh, he went out looking for Fuli. And Ono and Beshte went to help a giraffe who got his neck stuck in a tree." Kion explained.

"And you didn't go with them?" Bunga asked confused.

"Well... its' just a giraffe's neck stuck in a tree." Kion said a little guilty. "And I wanted to wait for you guys to come back."

"Oh, um, By the way when I told Fuli I liked you," Tifu started. "I wasn't serious of course!" She added in quickly. "And when she told me you 'liked' me, she didn't seem too happy, she actually was a little... mean." Tifu Finished.

Bunga did his weird "Hoo-hoo-Hah!" laugh. "The plans working! She's obviously jealous." He said.

Kion smiled. "You're right, the plan does seem to be working."

Tifu looked sad as she soberly said. "Yeah, I guess it is." Kion noticed. She likes me, I can tell, He thought. 

Kion usually didn't think much of Tifu,  but for some reason, He kinda felt bad for her. 

Later that night, Kion couldn't sleep,  he kept thinking about Tifu. Kion got up and went outside. He sat down at the edge of pride rock. Thinking.

Kion's thoughts were interrupted by a soft, "Kion?" coming from behind him. Kion turned around to see Bunga.  "Bunga? What's the matter?" Kion asked. 

"I, I couldn't sleep." Bunga said. 

Kion chuckled. "Neither could I. What's on your mind buddy?" He asked.

"Well, you know how I've been helping you with Fuli." Bunga started nervously. "Do you think you could help me with, um, " Bunga couldn't bring himself to say the name of his crush. 

"Kiara?" Kion asked. 

"Yeah... Wait, how'd you know?" Bunga asked confused.

Kion tried to think of something else besides that it was clear as day. "Um, Lucky guess?" He said, fake smiling. 

Bunga sighed. "I know it seems impossible, a honey badger, and a lion, but if you and Fuli can work out, maybe we can too" He said hopefully. 

"Eh..." Kion said, knowing that a lion and a cheetah was a lot different then a lion and a honey badger. "I guess so..."

Bunga jumped with excitement. "I knew you'd be supportive!" He said. "Now, what's the plan? Romantic walk?" 

"Um, well..."

"Or maybe I should bravely save her from something?"


"What should it be? She could fall off a tree! Or maybe I should save her from a vicious predator! Like crocodiles! Or Hyenas!" 


"Or maybe-" Kion's paw held Bunga's mouth. 

"I thought you wanted my advice? How can I give it to you when you keep talking!" Kion said. 

"Oops, sorry Kion." Bunga chuckled.

"I think  your idea isn't bad, but we can't just ask animals to try to hurt Kiara! And I don't want to risk hurting her." Kion said.

"Oh your right! How awful I am to even think about putting my one true love in danger!" Bunga said very dramatically. 

Kion rolled his eyes. "Don't worry Bunga, we'll think of something, but for now," Kion yawned. "Lets get some rest." 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now