Chapter 17

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"Hurry!" Kion yelled. "Before they catch up!"

The guard ran as fast as they could. The lion guard finally made it to the volcano, and to indeed find Fulio surrounded by Janja and his clan. Fulio's face brightened in surprise. 

"Lion guard! You're finally here!" He exclaimed. Fulio wasn't the only one surprised.

L-l-lion guard! W-w-what are you doing here?!" Janja exclaimed. "You guys are supposed to be squished like bugs right now!" 

"Do we look squished like bugs?" Fuli asked dryly.

"" Janja said hesitantly. Janja shook himself out of his surprised and put on his very fake confident face. "Well, we ain't handing you over the cheetah with out a fight!" He said. 

"Bring. It. On." Bunga replied getting into 'fight mode'.  

The fight went as usual, Kion took on Janja, and the rest of the guard took on the other hyenas. Fuli ran towards Fulio as the guard paved a path for her. 

"Fulio! Are you ok?!" She asked. 

"I...could better," Fulio replied. "I can't run or walk, my paw hurts."  

"That's fine, Beshte! We need you!" Fuli yelled. "Do you think you could leap onto Beshte's back?" Fuli asked Fulio. 

"I can try." Fulio replied.

Beshte ran slash waddle towards them. 

"Now Fulio!" Fuli ordered. Fulio leaped onto Beshte's back. 

"Let's go!" Fuli yelled. Kion pushed Janja aside and ran with the guard out of the volcano. 

Fulio looked back to see Janja's face of defeat an distress. Fulio couldn't help feeling sorry for him, not knowing what Scar would do to him for screwing up the plan. 

Fulio sighed. Well, at least I'm not eaten, and Fuli and the guard are alright, And I guess if Fuli's alright, I'm alright. 


Fulio sat outside alone in the dark. Thinking. Fuli joined him. 

"Hey," She said softly, breaking Fulio's train of thought. 

"Oh, uh, hi." Fulio greeted back.

"I'm sorry. About today, you almost died and its all my fault." Fuli said looking down.

"Are you kidding! Today YOU almost died thanks to ME!" Fulio responded. 

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be there if you didn't get captured in the first place." Fuli said shamefully. 

"Oh c'mon," Fulio scoffed, then lowered his voice. "Let's be honest if it's anyone's faults it's Bungas" He mummbled. 

Fuli laughed. "I'm just sorry you had to go through that." Fuli said. 

"Don't be, plus it wasn't that bad. " Fulio said. "To be honest, I kinda liked hanging out with the hyenas, if they weren't planning to eat me." 

Fuli laughed again. "You are one strange cheetah." She said. "But not exactly the same witty and obnoxious cheetah I met that day by the lake." 

"Yeah..."Fulio said, lost in Fuli's gaze. 

"We certainly have come a long way from then." Fuli said, staring at Fulio and giving him a shy smile. 

Fulio felt his heart pounding. Was....she flirting with him?  Fulio looked away from Fuli shacking the thought off. Remember your mission, he reminded himself. 

Fulio cleared his throat. "Fuli, I need to tell you something." He began. "I should've told you this long ago." 

"Go on..." Fuli said slowly. 

Fulio opened his mouth, but was interrupted by no one else but Bunga.  

"Hey guys! When are you guys gonna come back to the lair? Huh? Huh? Huh, huh, huh?!" He asked jumping up and down. 

Fulio crinkled his nose at Bunga's extreme annoying self. 

Ugh, I miss the hyenas. 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now