Chapter 12

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Everything seemed to happen in a blur. Fulio was with the Lion guard at the rock pile. As he was looking for the rock the size he wanted, he went behind a big rock, which hid him from the guard. Something, or rather someone, grabbed him and pulled him into the bushes.

"What the-" Before Fulio could see who his kidnapper was, something hit his head an Fulio went unconscious. 


Fulio slowly opened his eyes. Where am I? He thought, looking around. 

Fulio found himself in a pit. Not too big, but deep enough that he couldn't jump out of it, at least without a boost. Fulio tried to walk, but flinched when a sharp pain came from one of his front paws. 

"Ouch!" Fulio yelped in pain. "I must've hurt it when I fell in here." Fulio looked up, but didn't see anyone. "Or when someone threw me." 

Suddenly, another animal was thrown into the pit. It was Kiara.

"Princess Kiara?" Fulio said.

"Fulio! Am I glad to see you!" Kiara said, a little bit relieved. 

"Are you ok?" Fulio asked, noticing that Kiara was holding her paw. 

"I think so, but I hurt my paw when I fell in." She replied.

"Oh, same." Fulio said. "How'd you get down her any way?" He asked. 

"It was those two!" Kiara growled. Fulio looked up to see no other then Cheezi and Chungu. 

Cheezi hysterically  laughed. "That's right!" He said. 

"We got you trapped and only the lion guard can save you!" Chungu added.

"Well, I hope so... Or else the plan won't work." Cheezi said.

"The plan?" Kiara asked.

"Wait...I recognize you two." Fulio said. trying to remember his journey to the pride lands. "AH-HAH! You were those two hyenas I bumped into on my journey here. When I went through the outlands." 

"Oh yeah! I remember you!" Cheezi said. 

"You were that cheetah we forgot to eat!" Chungu added, remembering the day. 

"Are you going to eat me now?" Fulio asked, not very nervous, knowing how he escaped the two dim-witted hyenas last time. 

Cheezi laughed. "No! The lion guard has to rescue you first!"


"We have to find Kiara!" Bunga cried. 

"And Fulio!" Fuli added. 

"Lets see if we can track them by scent Fuli." Kion said sniffing the air. Fuli did the same. 

"I smell Kiara too!" Kion said. "And something else... Hyenas!" He exclaimed.

"Oh no! They've must've kidnapped Kiara!" Bunga exclaimed. 

"But what about Fulio? " Fuli  asked, concerned. 

"Maybe they got Fulio too?" Kion suggested. "We still got to save Kiara though! C'mon lets go!"

The guard ran for awhile in a straight direction. 

"Kion, this could be my opportunity to save Kiara!" Bunga said to Kion.  "Just leave her to me, Ok?"

"Um, I don't know Bunga..." Kion trailed off. "Wait everyone! I see Cheezi and Chungu! But I don't see Janja?" Kion said, confused. 

"Doesn't matter! We need to save Kiara!" Bunga yelled running towards the hyenas. 

"Bunga wait!" Kion yelled after him, but it was too late, the foolish honey badger had already ran ahead, tripped over a rock and fallen into the pit. 

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