Chapter 3

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"Where's Fuli, Ono?" Kion asked. 

"Oh, she's with her new, if I dare say, Friend." Ono said grimly. 

"Dare say?" Kion asked worriedly

"Well, nothings confirmed." ono replied


"Yep, Did I also mention he's a cheetah?" ono said. 

"Oh," Kion frowned. 

"wow, chances are really low for Kion now." Bunga said. 



"alright, you had your laugh, now what do you really want Fulio?" Fuli asked. 

"Well, I'm quite the matchmaker myself from where I come from. And you seem to be in a desperate situation with your lion friend." Fulio said. 

"Not that desperate, but I mean, ugh," Fuli groaned. "Can you really help?" 

"I've seen worse situations then yours." Fulio said. "Which is a bold statement." Fuli rolled her eyes. "yeah, whatever, what's your plan anyway 'Match maker'?" She asked mockingly. 

"Well, first, tell me about the situation." Fulio said. 

Fuli sighed. "Ok, well, I have a friend, a lion friend named Kion. he's the leader of the lion guard, which is-"

"I know what it is."

"Uh, ok, well, at first we were just friends, really good friends. But... I started developing feelings for him. And, I just, I really like him, more then a -"  Fuli stopped and frowned at Fulio, who was acting mockingly emotional.  "But, anyway its silly with me being a cheetah and him a lion." 

Fulio scoffed. "Nothing is impossible with the amazing Fulio." 

Fuli looked unsure. "Well, I guess it won't hurt to try." She said. Fulio laughed. "Now that's the spirit!" 


Kion sighed. Bunga heard him, unfortunaly. "What's the matter, bro? Thinking about Fuli?" He said leaning on Kion's shoulder. 

"yeah, I wish I could go to someone for advice." Kion said. 

"Well, you could go ask 'grandfather Mufasa'?" Bunga suggested. 

"what!? Never! I'd never ask him about that!" Kion exclaimed. 

"Why? Worried he'd say somethings like ' I'm dead I don't know anything about relationships!' ?" Bunga asked.


"Or I could gibe you some advice!" Bunga said. 

"Um, I don't know if that's a good idea Bunga." Kion said. 

"Why? Worried I'd say something like ask her to go on a romantic walk to tell her how you feel?" Bunga said. Bunga paused. "Wait, that's a good idea!" 

"it is." Kion said slowly. "I have to find Fuli!" Kion started running to the entrance of the lair, but tripped over a rock while running and landed head over heels. Kion saw cheetah feet. Kion got up quickly. "Fuli! I was wondering-" Kion stopped when he saw Fulio in front of him.  "who are you?" He asked. 

Fuli came out behind Fulio. "This is Fulio, my new friend." She said. 

"Oh," Kion said awkwardly. "Fulio?''

"yes?" Fulio asked.

"no but, Fulio?" 

Fulio laughed. "yes, me and Fuli do share matching names, quite coincidentally." 

"Someone might even think we're twins." Fuli added.

"Oh yeah, I guess so.." Kion said unsurely. "um, Fuli can I talk to you somewhere, else?" Kion asked. Fuli looked surprised. "uh, sure Kion." She said. 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now