Chapter 11

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The next morning Kion woke up with the idea that Kiara should meet Fulio. What could go wrong? Kion thought, Besides, Kiara likes meeting new animals, Even though Fulio's just visiting.

Oh and how the day went wrong.

It started with the weirdest mission ever. "Everyone! Everyone!" Ono shouted as he flew into the lair. 

"What's the matter Ono?" Kion asked.

"Is it Hyenas? Jackals? Crocs? Hyenas, Jackals and crocs!?" Bunga said, getting pumped up.

"Oh, um, nothing exciting, just an elephant," Ono stopped before he finished his sentence. "Stuck in a tree."

"Are you serious?" Fuli asked making sure he said what she heard. 

"I know, its weird. But I'm serious." Ono said. 

"I can help, if you like." Fulio, who was right behind Fuli, offered. 

Kion smiled. "Thanks Fulio, we could use all the help we can get." Bunga was surprised Kion was being so nice to the very cheetah who stole Fuli. But Kion was in a good mood today. 

"Ok! Lets go!" Bunga said hopping to it.

"Before your go on on your 'little mission', you have an audience with the princess." Said a voice, Which belonged to Zuri. At the entrance of the lair stood Tifu  and Zuri. 

"We come to announce that Princess Kiara is on her way." Tifu said. Tifu glanced at Kion, then blushed. And strangely, so did Kion. 

"Kiara's coming! We need to clean up! This place is a mess!" Bunga yelled running around panicking. 

"Its fine Bunga, its just Kiara." Fuli said.

"Just Kiara? JUST KIARA?!" Bunga yelled, running around again.

"Um, yeah, just me." Kiara said. Bunga stopped. "Uh, Kiara! uh, hi!: He said nervously.

"Um, hi." She said. Then glared at Tifu and Zuri. " I told you guys not to do that." 

"What's the matter Kiara?" Kion asked. 

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make myself useful." Kiara said. "Do you need any help?" 

"Well..." Kion started. 

"Of course you can stay with us Kiara!" Bunga said. 

"I guess so." Kion said. "And your welcome to come too Tifu! and Zuri... I guess." 

"Sure!" Tifu eagerly said. 

"No thanks." Zuri said turning back. 

"Alright, lets go help that elephant stuck in a tree!" Kion said leading everyone out. 

"Don't worry Kiara!" Bunga said. "Bunga the Brave will protect you from any harm!"


"So, Fuli, who's your new friend?" Kiara asked, once she managed to get rid of Bunga for a little. 

"Oh, this is Fulio." Fuli said. "He's visiting the pride lands." 

"Hi Fulio, nice to meet you. "Kiara said. 

"Same to you Princess." Fulio nodded back. The team finally arrived at the ridiculous disaster. 

"Like my dad always says, live long enough and you'll se everything." Beshte commented. 

"Alright, we'll need to work together to save this elephant." Kion said. How are we going to save an elephant stuck in a tree? Kion thought. We've never had a weird missions like this. 

"So what'd we do Kion?" Beshte asked.

"Yeah, Kion, What are we gonna do? "Bunga asked.

"I, I don't know." Kion admitted, a little shamefully. 

"Hmm..." Kiara said thinking. "Maybe we can find a big enough rock  for the elephant to step on. Then we can ad smaller rocks to lead to the ground."

"That's a great idea Kiara! You're so smart!" Bunga praised.

"Well...I guess that could work..."Kion said slowly. "Ono see if you can find any rocks near by, We'll all help pushing the rocks. Beshte you'll take the biggest.

"Affirmative." Ono said, flying high. "I found a rock pile near Kion!"

"Perfect! Lets go!" Kion said leading everyone.


The guard, plus the additional 3, finally got the elephant at of the tree. 

"Thank you lion guard." The elephant thanked.

"No problem." Kion said, then turned to the rest. "It was a team effort, good job everyone. We were lucky to have Fulio, Tifu and Kiara." 

"Yeah," Fuli added. "Wait, where's Fulio?" She asked, not seeing him anywhere.

"Where's Kiara?" Tifu asked anxiously. A cry that  certainly came from Kiara was heard. 

"Oh no!" Bunga cried. "Kiara!"

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now