Chapter 14

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"Bunga...Where's Fulio?"

The guard had just come back from defeating Scars army, well not permanently of course. 

"Oh I forgot, I left him in the pit with Cheezi and Chungu I forgot to go back and rescue him," Bunga said.

"WHAT?!" Fuli yelled. "Bunga! How could you!?" She yelled. "And you Kion! I don't understand why you two don't like Fulio! But he is my friend! And you know what?! He's an even better friend than you!" Fuli ran off after saying the hurtful words. 

Everyone sat there in awkward silence as the words sunk in. 

Kion closed his eyes. 



"So there's no females in your clan?" Fulio asked. 

The past 30 minutes were...interesting. 

It started with playing eye spy which didn't work out so well since they were stuck inside a pit. Then Fulio asked them about their lives. And from what Fulio heard and piece together, it seemed like the two mindless hyenas blindly followed their leader and did anything he told them to. 

"Why though?" The conversation went. 

"Well, he's the only family we know," Chungu said.

"Are you related?" Fulio asked.

"Um, we don't know," Cheezi said. 

"you don't seem to know much do you?" Fulio mumbled. 

"Nope! We don't remember much either." Chungu said. 

"Like what?" Fulio asked. 

"Well, we don't remember much about our parents," Cheezi said. 

"Yeah, they died when we were REAL little," Chungu explained. "Or at least that was what Janja told us. We don't ask him about it because he gets really grumpy when we do." 

"Oh..." Fulio said awkwardly. 

The conversation then drifted into their love life after Fulio said he was a matchmaker. Not surprisingly, they were single.

Thus, the following conversation.

"So there's no females in your clan?" Fulio had asked.

"Uh, no," Chungu said. "Well, at least I don't think so."

"What?! But that doesn't make sense! Hyena clans are supposed to be lead by females" Fulio said.

"well, this one ain't!" Cheezi laughed.

"Hmm, you two need to get out more often," Fulio said thoughtfully. "You know, make some friends, some Female friends." 

"But we do have friends! " Cheezi said. "We have Janja!"

Fulio groaned. "Obviously you're missing my point."


"Ugh, well that was a disaster." Janja groaned. 

"Yeah, no kidding. I thought some of your hyenas were going to distract the lion guard!" Kiburi snapped. 

"They did! They did!" Janja said.

"And did you put your smartest hyenas to do it?" Reirei asked. 

"Well...not exactly," Janja admitted. "But I needed my smart ones for the attack." 

"No more excuses! Let's just go back to Scar." Kiburi said. "And we know who to blame." 

Janja sighed. This was getting old, nothing seemed to ever work, they always lost. Would Scar ever win?

Yeah, whatever, Janja thought, I better go get those fur brains now. Janja started walking off. 

"Where you going boss?" Nne asked. 

"You guys go back to the outlands, " Janja said. " I need to go get Cheezi and Chungu." 

"Alright," Nne shrugged. 

Janja continued walking. But when he got to the pit, Cheezi and Chungu were nowhere to be seen.

Where'd they go? Janja thought I hope they did what I told 'em to

"Alright Fur brains, where are you?" Janja said. 

"Janja? Is it you?" Cheezi asked. 

"We're down here!" Chungu yelled. 

Janja looked in the pit to indeed see Chungu and Cheezi, and Fulio. 

Janja rolled his eyes. "How did you get down there? WHY are you down there?" He yelled. 

"Um, we fell in?" Cheezi guessed. 

"No, I jumped in, remember?" Chungu reminded.

"Oh yeah," Cheezi said.

Janja rolled his eyes again. "Whatever! The real question is how I'm gonna get you out!" He yelled. Janja glanced at Fulio. "Hmm... seems like the lion guard forgot a friend." He said, licking his lips. 

Fulio gulped. "Um, well, they didn't forget me. Bunga said he was coming back." Fulio said nervously. 

Janja laughed. "well...I guess not. You're coming with us!" 

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