Chapter 19

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"Everything went alright with the mission?" Fulio asked Beshte. It was already evening now.

"Oh yeah! How did things go with my pod?" Beshte asked. 

"Oh it was..." Fulio tried to think of a way to tell him that literally every girl friend zoned him. "All right. You know Beshte I think its best if we take a break from this right now, you have better things to think about."

"Oh..." Beshte said, getting the message. 

Fulio was no Negative Nancy, but after all, the situation was pretty...negative.

"Hope is not lost!...hopefully," Fulio said with a fake smile. Fulio looked around in an awkward silence. Then something caught his eye.

Fulio saw Ono talking to a purple eagle. 

"Who's that?" Fulio asked Beshte curiously.

"That's Ono." Beshte replied.

"I know that, I meant whos the other bird?" Fulio asked impatiently.

"Oh, that's Anga." Beshte explained. "She's a friend of ours."

"Uh-huh," Fulio nodded slowly. 

Fulio observed their conversation. He was good at reading animals, except Anga was a hard bird to read. 

Her face almost looked...emotionless. Not to mention her body language. 

Man, this girl is hard to read, Fulio thought. But Ono was much easier. He seemed to be fidgeting and seemed really nervous. 

Fulio smiled. I've found my next target, he thought. 

Fulio casually, maybe a little too casually, walked towards them. 

"Helloooo, I don't think I've meet YOU yet." Fulio said. 

Anga raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, uh, Fulio this is Anga." Ono explained. "Anga this is Fulio. He's visiting."

"Pleased to meet you." Anga dryly said.

"The pleasure is all mine," Fulio replied. After a few second of awkward silence, Anga cleared her throat. 

"Well, I better get going." She said. Anga turned to Ono. "See you later Ono." She said before flying.

Fulio cleared his throat. " Ono, May I talk with you?" He asked very seriously.

"Um, s-sure." Ono said with a little gulp.

"Alrighty, lets take a walk my feathered friend." Fulio said enthusiastically. 

Fulio and Ono began to walk, more or less.

"Ono, I have many hobbies, but my favorite is helping other animals." Fulio said. 

"I, I like to help animals too." Ono said.

"Good, good. But I like to help animals find love." Fulio explained. 

"Oh, uh, love...?" Ono asked, getting anxious about where the conversation was heading.

"Yes, I tried to help your hippo friend, but things didn't go so well." Fulio explained. "But...I'm willing to help you."

"M-m-me?!" Ono exclaimed. "Uh, I mean, I guess you can, but how?"

"Ono, Ono, Ono." Fulio said shaking his head slowly." I haven't been around for awhile. But I can pick up a lot from just a few minutes." 

"What are you talking about..." Ono asked pretending he didn't know what Fulio was talking about.

" Oh c'mon! I know you like that eagle girl!" Fulio shouted impatiently.

"You mean Anga?" Ono asked blushing.

"Yeah, her. You like her? Right..." Fulio said, hoping that they weren't cousins or something. 

"Um, I mean, like a-" 

"Don't you dare say you like her as a friend!" Fulio interrupted. 

Ono sighed. "Ok, you got me." He admitted.

Fulio smiled with victory. 

"So tell me how long have you knew each other?" Fulio asked.

"well, not that long. When I first meant her she helped us form the bird army." Ono explained. 

"Uh-huh, I see..." Fulio nodded. "Is there anything else I should know?" He asked.

"Um...We sang a song together once." Ono unknowingly said.

"Oh that's good news, singing a song together is very romantic." Fulio said knowingly.

"Um, I guess?" Ono shrugged.

"Trust me, Ono. You have a good case here." Fulio said truthfully.

"I do?" Ono said surprised.

"Yes, yes of course. I'm going to enjoy working with you." Fulio reassured. "I mean, as much as I like to work with the really hard done, like Beshtes, its tiring and I already have another case that I'm working on, and it's already been time consuming, I mean, even thought I'm on vacation, my schedule is very tight." 

"Wait, You're helping someone else?" Ono asked.

"Sure, I've been helping Fuli with Kion this whole time. Its been getting harder though, the whole pretending to-" Fulio stopped himself, realizing his mistake. But he already said to much. 

"Wait! You're helping Fuli with Kion?!" Ono exclaimed. "Have you guys been pretending to like each other? Have you been lying to us?!" He asked. 

"So what? Here's a question for YOU smarty! Do Kion and that lion girl really like each other?" Fulio asked. "I overheard Bunga say that he likes Fuli!"

"How should I know!?" Ono exclaimed. 

The two settled down before they said regretted words. 

"But if you really want answers," Ono started in a low voice. "I know who you should ask." 

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