Chapter 5

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"Fuli! Fuli! Kion's tail is stuck under a rock! He needs you!" Bunga came into the lair hollering at the top of his lungs. 

Fuli raised an eyebrow. "Um, ok. But, why me?" she asked. 

"It's just a rock Fuli! We don't need the whole guard to move a rock!" Bunga yelled.

"Then why didn't you move it?" Fuli asked. 

"Its a big rock." Bunga said. 

"Then shouldn't Beshte do it?" Fuli said getting suspicious. 

"It's not that big! Plus, uh, Beshte takings a bath." Bunga said hesitantly. 

"I am?'' Beshte asked confused. Bunga glared at Beshte. "Oh! I mean, I am!" Beshte said getting in his pool.

"Just c'mon Fuli!" Bunga yelled impatiently. 

"ok, ok" Fuli said running after Bunga. Sheesh, Bunga sure can be persuasive, Fuli thought. Fuli found Kion's tail stuck under a rock alright, a rock as big as his paw. There wasn't even anywhere around for a rock to fall there. Something seemed to be up. 

"Oh, uh, Hi Fuli!" Kion said nervously. 

"hi. Kion." Fuli said suspiciously. 

" can you help me out here?" Kion asked. 

"Uh-huh." Fuli nodded slowly, then wacked the rock off with here paw.  "There." 

"Thanks Fuli!" Kion thanked.

"No problem." Fuli said. "now me, you  and Bunga can-" Fuli paused. Bunga was gone. "Huh," Something was definitely up.  "We better go find Bung-" Fuli started. 

Kion started talking. "Um, Fuli You know that thing I wanted to talk to you about early?' He asked nervously. Fuli's Face froze. "Uh, yeah hold on." Fuli yawned super loud and yelled. "Um Yeah I remember Kion!" So loud that the whole pride lands was sure to hear it. "Sorry Kion." Fuli chuckled nervously. "Yeah I  remember." 

"Um, ok." Kion said. " Come with me."


Bunga chuckled. Everything was going according to plan. Kion and Fuli had begun the romantic walk that Bunga had planned out for them, and Kion had already begun some small talk. Bunga saw the grass on the other side moving. Hmm, Bunga thought, too bad Ono isn't here to see who's there.  Bunga gasped. It was Fulio! "that little rotten cheetah is trying to ruin the romantic walk!"  Bunga said. 

Fulio saw Bunga too. Fulio rolled his eyes. ugh, its annoying little honey badger again, what's he doing here? he'll probably end up ruining it, Fulio thought, does he like Fuli or something?  

Fulio noticed that Kion and Fuli were edging away from each other, and that talk was lacking. Fulio pushed Fuli a little bit so that she would end up knocking into Kion. "Oops, sorry," Fuli blushed and turned away.  

Bunga noticed what Fulio did. Ah-hah!, I see what the little stinker did there. Bunga thought,   well, he won't match what I have up my sleeve.   Bunga turned to a tree full of birds. "Now!" He said and started to conduct the offkey singing birds. 

Fuli covered her ears. "ow! what's that awful noise!" 

Kion didn't know what to do. He turned to Bunga. But Bunga didn't pay attention. 

Wow, Fulio thought, he's really trying to ruin this.  Fulio threw a rock at Bunga.  

"Ow!" Bunga yelled. 

"Was that-" Fuli began turning around. 

"C'mon I wanna show you something!'' Kion said quickly.  

Fuli shrugged it off and ran ahead with Kion. Fulio and Bunga stared at each other. 

I'm going to get there first, each thought.  Of course, a honey badger can't out run a cheetah, So Fulio got there first. Fuli and Kion were walking by a river, and everything was going perfect. Until Bunga showed up. 

"Look at these flowers." Kion said to Fuli. "These flowers only bloom at this time of year."

"So we shouldn't pick any because their so rare, right?'' Fuli asked.

"Well, I guess we can make one exception." Kion said picking a flower an putting it behind Fuli's ear. Fuli blushed and smiled.  

Fulio felt pleased, everything was going well. Bunga on the other hand...

I don't like the look on his face, Bunga thought.  

"so...Fuli that thing I wanted to tell you." Kion aid slowly. 

"yeah?" Fuli said, feeling her heart race. Kion hesitated. 

C'mon Kion say it already, Fulio thought. 

Oh no!, Bunga thought, I have to stop Fulio! 

"I-" Kion started. 

But, Bunga leaped at Fulio knocking Kion, who knocked Fuli into the water.

"Bunga! What are you doing?!" Fulio shouted trying to get Bunga off his back. 

Fuli and Kion got out of the water. 

"Bunga? What are you doing here?" Fuli asked. 

Bunga's eyes widened. "uh, oh." 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now