Chapter 4

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"So what's the matter Kion?' Fuli asked concerned.

"Uh..." Kion was speechless. How does he ask her to go on a walk alone with him without seeming suspicious? "You know what? I forgot, Maybe I 'll tell you later when it comes back to me" Kion said with a fake smile. 

"uh, ok." Fuli said a little disappointed. 


"So....Fulio....Where do you come from?" Bunga said staring Fulio in the eye. "And why are you here?"

Fulio gave Bunga a disgusted face. "I come form far from here. In the directions of the outlands. I actually had to go through the outlands." He said. 

"Did you have any encounter with any hyenas?" Ono asked. 

"I did actually, two." Fulio lowered his voice and mumbled. "I 'm not surprised their single."

"What was that?" Bunga asked.

"oh nothing." Fulio said quickly. "Lets get back to your other question. Why am I here. I'm here because I-" Fulio paused. I can't tell them about my matchmaking business, Fulio thought, They can't know I'm helping Fulio with Kion. Fulio cleared his throat and continued. "I'm here because my home land was getting too boring for me,  so I decided to travel and I heard that the pride lands was quite the vacation spot." 

"So your not staying her forever." Bunga asked curiously. 


"Hmm... Interesting..." Bunga stroked his chin. Fulio rolled his eyes and made a mental note to try to avoid Bunga as much as possible. 


Fuli had taken Fulio on a tour of the pride lands and Bunga had made sure that ono and Beshte went with them as chaperones. 

"Ok Kion good news." Bunga said very matter-of-a-factly. "Turns out Fulio isn't planning to permanently stay here, he's just visiting."

"um...I guess that's good?'' Kion said. "Also things with Fuli didn't go well, I completely chickened out and I ended up saying nothing about the walk thing."  Kion added sadly.

"Don't worry Kion, I have a plan." Said Bunga.


Fuli and Fulio managed to get away from Ono and Beshte for a little. "So Kion wanted to talk about something, but ended up saying that he'll tell me later." Fuli said. 

"I see..." Fulio said thinking. "Whatever happens, I think its a good idea for me to stay close behind, just in case you need me." He suggested.  Fuli smiled. "That's a great idea Fulio! Thanks!" 

Ono and Beshte had caught up by then. "I don't understand why you two have to keep on racing." Ono panted out of breath. Fuli and Fulio smiled at each other. 

"Just cheetah stuff." Fuli said. 

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