Chapter 8

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"Ok, I've gotta plan."

"Last time you did, it went horrible," Kion grunted.

Bunga laughed. "Yeah, but this one is genius, trust me."

Kion looked doubtful. 

"Just hear me out ok?" Bunga said. "We play Fuli's own game!"

"What?" Kion asked confused. 

"All we have to do is find you a girlfriend!" Bunga said.

"Um, you're not thinking about who I think your thinking about?" Kion asked.

Bunga smiled. "If your thinking about who I'm thinking about, then... yes!"


"So what's in it for us?" Zuri asked admiring her shiny claws.

"Um, you get to help Kion get with his one true love?" Bunga said.

Zuri scoffed. ''So you're saying I have to pretend to like Kion for who knows how long, and I don't even get anything out of it? count me out!" She said marching off. 

Bunga and Kion turned to Tifu. "How about you?" Bunga asked.

"Sounds fun! I'll do it!" She said with a smile. 

Bunga and Kion sighed with relief.

"Thanks, Tifu," Kion said. Kion was not only relieved that they found someone to be his pretend girlfriend, but that it was Tifu and not Zuri. Kion could not stand Zuri, but Tifu was alright. Plus, she was kinda cute...


"Tifu did what?!" Kiara practically shouted. 

"You heard me," Zuri repeated. "She agreed to pretend to like Kion to make Fuli jealous or something." Zuri rolled her eyes. "If you call it pretending, now she gets to act out her crush on Kion." 

"It's an awful idea!" Kiara shouted. "She's going to get caught up with Kion's acting, and think he actually likes her and he'll end up breaking her heart! I need to find Tifu!"


"ok, since we're caring out the act, we need to make sure we know how we're going to end it" Fuli said. 

"Easy," Fulio answered. "Once we notice effect on Kion, we slowly start growing apart and end up breaking up." 

"Hmm, ok." Fuli said after thinking about it for awhile. "Do you think we'll end up revealing the pretending to Kion?" She asked.

"Hmm, not sure. If we get complications it is possible. If everything goes well probably not, but I doubt it." Fulio said. Fuli frowned. Fulio noticed. "Don't worry Fuli, even if Kion figures out don't think it'll change anything." Fulio said, desperately trying to comfort her.

Fuli smiled, more comforted by Fulio's concern then his words. 

"We should go back,  to not seem suspicious." Fuli said.

"Right." Fulio responded.


"So Kion, you need to tell Fuli that you like Tifu privately. Then Tifu you go tell Fuli that you like Kion." Bunga explained to the two Lions. 

Tifu looked eager. Kion looked doubtful. I hope this works, he thought.

Tifu seemed to read his mind. "Don't worry Kion, I'm sure everything will turn out fine." She said kindly.

Kion smiled at her enthusiasm. "You seem excited." He remarked.

Tifu slightly blushed. "Oh, um, because I'm just really excited, I mean, it will be interesting" She stammered.

Kion laughed. "That's a good way to put it."

Tifu laughed along with him. Kion opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Kiara's yell. 


Kion turned to see his angry older sister marching toward him, Zuri trailing behind. 

"Kiara?" Kion asked confused. "What's the matter?"

"Did you force Tifu to agree to do your little act!?" She asked.

"We didn't force her, she willing volunteered." Kion explained.

"Its fine Kiara, really!" Tifu piped in.

"Yeah, well, Tifu-" Kiara stopped herself before she said something she'd regret. "Tifu," She resumed. "Isn't very great at, uh, acting." She slowly said. 

Zuri scoffed. "If you call it act-"

Kiara's paw held Zuri's mouth.     

"If Tifu doesn't wanna do it, then that's fine." Kion said.

"no! no! I want to do it! really!" Tifu said nodding her head quickly. 

Kiara shot her a, you sure you know what your doing?, glance. 

Tifu smiled. "It's going to be fine Kiara!" She reassured.

"Ok...Kiara said then turned and walked away. 

Tifu turned to Kion. "This'll be fun!"


"Fuli we need to talk." 

Fuli was surprised and a little concerned by Kion's strict voice.

"Um, ok Kion. Fulio, stay here with the rest of the guard." Fuli said. Fulio nodded and went into the lair. Fuli went with Kion.

"What's the matter Kion?" She asked. 

Kion took a deep breath. "Seeing you with Fulio made me think of how I want something like that with someone else." He said. 

Fuli's face brightened. Was the plan working? 

"And who is this someone? " She asked shyly.

Kion looked down. I can't believe I'm doing this, he thought, oh well, here goes nothing. 


Fuli felt like someone just punched her. 

"T-t-Tifu?" She stammered, making sure he just said what she heard.

"I know it seems weird, but I've actually been liking her for along time now." Kion said.

Fuli's mind was still wrapping around hat Kion just said. 

"Um, ok? good for you? Why'd you tell me?!" Fuli asked.

"Because your one of my best friends, and, unlike Bunga, you listen." Kion said.

Fuli frowned. 

Yeah, friend. 

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