Chapter 16

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"Ok, so is everybody ready?" Kion asked.

Everyone nodded. The guard was getting ready to go into the outlands, and save Fulio. 

"Are you sure about this Kion?" Fuli asked worriedly. She wasn't exactly loving the idea that the mission, and possibly they're and Fulio's lives, was relying on Bunga. 

"Don't worry Fuli, 'till be fine,"  Kion said reassuringly. 

Fuli still looked doubtful. 

"Bunga. You know what to do?" Kion asked. 

"Yup!" Bunga said with his mouth full of bugs. Fuli winced. 

"Ew! Bunga! Why are you eating now?!" She shouted. 

"These are the bugs that make my gas REALLY big and stinky." He said. 

Fuli rolled her eyes.

"C'mon Lion guard!" Kion said running. "Till the Pride Lands end..."

"Lion guard defend!"


"So, Can lion fire dude hear us when he's not...Appearing?" Fulio asked. 

"First, It's Scar." Janja snapped. "And, yes, he can hear us. I learned that the hard way." He mummbled.

"Oh..." Fulio said disappointedly. "Can I ask you another question?" Fulio asked. "Is it hard for the lion guard to come into the volcano?" 

"Um...Not really." Janja answered slowly. 

"Then why are you holding me here? A place where the lion guard can easily get too?
 Fulio asked.

"First of all, The lion guard can't 'easily' get here. And second, its Scar's orders to keep you here, and I'm not disobeying them." Janja said. "He's mad enough at me." He added. 

Fulio nodded. "I see, now here's another question, why do you-"

"Stuff it!" Janja interrupted. "Enough questions for you, now I suggest you keep that smart mouth of yours shut before I eat you now!" 

Fulio nodded and stopped talking obediently.  

Wow lovely mood here, Fulio thought sarcastically, Honestly, Everyone seems to be bursting with joy, except for those two smarty-pants. 

Fulio looked at Cheezi and Chungu, who seemed to be oblivious of their leaders bad mood. 

Fulio chuckled. Yup, they seem to be killing the mood. 


"Let's go Lion guard!" Kion yelled as he leaded the guard into the outlands. Not far into the outlands, they ran into Kiburi and his float. 

"Kiburi!" Kion exclaimed. 

"Kion! What are you doing in the outlands?" Kiburi asked.

"You know why we're here! Now step aside, or do we have to move you ourselves?!" Fuli threatened. 

Kiburi laughed. "You can try- what the?!?" Kiburi exclaimed as Bunga jumped in front of everyone and aimed his behind at the crocodiles.

"Take this!" He yelled before letting out the most biggest, stinkiest, grossest, loudest, fart ever. And not only did it impact the crocs, but the jackals above them, who were about to push giant boulders on the lion guard.

All of Reirei's pack were holding their noses. 

"What's that awful smell?!" Reirei exclaimed. Reirei gasped when she saw the lion guard sneaking past Kiburi's float. 

"Oh no! They're getting away!" She yelled. "Well, not much we can do," She groaned. "It's all up to the hyenas now I guess." 

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now