Chapter 20

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I need to tell him today, no more pretending. Fuli was walking towards the lair. But I, I can't. Fuli sigh, why did she get herself into this mess?

Fuli saw Fulio running towards her. 

"Fulio! I need to talk to you!" Fuli yelled. "I need to tell Kion about the whole act, but I'll probably have to end up telling him that I like him, but he likes Tifu so it'll be awkward." 

"That's the thing Fuli!" Fulio yelled. "I just interrogated that lousy honey badger and he said that Kion doesn't really like Tifu! He was just pretending to make you jealous!" 

Fuli's jaw hanged low. Then she ran into the lair. 

There inside was Kion,  Bunga, Ono , Beshte, Kiara and Tifu.

"Kion..." Fuli began. 

"Fuli, Fulio, were you two pretending to like each other?" Kion interrupted.

 "I, well, yes..." Fuli admitted. "But you and Tifu were pretending too!" She yelled. 

"What?! How do you know that?!" Kion exclaimed. 

"Doesn't matter! Why were you two lying?!" Bunga asked.

"It was my idea." Fulio said. "I needed a way to find out if Kion liked Fuli."

"But Fulio, you told me that you heard Bunga say that Kion liked Fuli." Ono said. 

"What?! You knew that Kion liked me and didn't tell me?! How long have you known?!" Fuli exclaimed.

"About a week." Fulio said shamefully.

"Did you not tell me on purpose?" Fuli asked.

"I, uh, " Fulio stammered. "I meant to tell you, Fuli, I really did. But the truth is..." Fulio looked at Fuli in the eye. "I'm not pretending." 

Fuli stood speechless. "Fulio, I-"

"I feel the same," Tifu spoke up. "Kion, I really like you. I've always have. Kinda obvious I guess." She shrugged. 

Kion smiled softly. "Tifu..."

"As long as everyone is admitting their feelings," Bunga started, then turned to Kiara. "Kiara, I love you!" He yelled falling down at Kiara's feet.

"Oh, uh, Bunga.." Kiara stammered awkwardly.

Fuli looked at Kion. 

"Kion...Do you really like me?" She asked. 

"Fuli, I've always liked you, more then a friend." Kion said.

Fuli blushed. "Same here." 


"I hope there's no hard feelings." Fuli said. 

"Fuli, I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I just want you to be happy. And I'm happy that you're happy." Fulio said sincerely.

Fuli sighed. "I know, I know. I just want to know that everything is ok." 

"It's fine Fuli," Fulio reassured again. "Plus, a long-distance relationship would never work!" He joked. "But, I'm sure our friendship will." Fulio sighed. "I'm sure gonna miss you guys." He said. 

"Actually Fulio," Fuli began. The rest of the guard came from behind her. "We think you should stick around." She said.

Fulio looked surprised. "You mean... you want me to stay in the pride lands?!" He exclaimed.

"Let's call it, 'extending your stay'" Bunga said.

"Yeah, Extending my stay, I can do that." Fulio smiled. "We did have quite the adventure." 

Fuli smiled back.

"This is just the beginning."

                                                                                                            THE END

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