Chapter 18

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It was a few days after the lion guard rescued Fulio from the outlands. The whole Fulio and Fuli pretending to date was kinda flopping. And to be honest, Fulio was getting kinda bored of pretending to help Fuli and Kion. 

Maybe I just need to do another project to help me, Fulio thought one bright early morning, Yeah, I should do that, He thought happily. The first animal I lay eyes on, I will help. 

Fulio walked outside and took a look around. Not one animal in sight, except for one. 

Fulio saw Beshte running towards him. 

"Hi there Fulio! What's up?" Beshte said. 

Well, I guess he will have to do, Fulio thought with a shrug. 

"Oh, nothing, the question is, what's up with YOU?" Fulio asked. 

"Uh, oh, nothing much." Beshte replied. 

"No offense Beshte, but you seem to  be a single-pringle type of guy to me." Fulio said.

"Um, yeah...." Beshte answered confused. 

"Well, single-pringles are my best friends." Fulio said happily. "I'd be more then happy to help you find the love of your life!" 

"Love?!" Beshte exclaimed surprised. "Oh no, you misunderstood Fulio, I'm just friends with everyone. Nobody would ever love love me."

Fulio laughed. "Oh please! Don't be so modest kid. Now come, come, no case is a lost cause, especially when the amazing Fulio is here." Fulio said.  

"Um...ok.." Beshte replied unsurely, following Fulio as they started walking.

"Now, tell me, do you know any girl..." Fulio trailed off as he thought what to add to the sentence. "Hippos?" He finished, knowing that even if he was helping Fuli with Kion, there was now way he was matching a hippo and another animal. 

"I know everyone." Beshte said proudly.

"Good, now have you ever had a crush on someone?" Fulio asked.

"Oh no! I've never crushed anyone in my life!" Beshte exclaimed horrified.

"What? No! That's not what I meant!" Fulio said. "I mean do you like anyone?"

"I like everyone." Beshte replied. 

"What, I meant, ugh!" Fulio stammered. "I see why this guy is single now." He mummbled. 

"What was that?" Beshte asked. 

"Um, nothing." Fulio said. "So, I hear your dad is the leader of the hippos." 

"Yup." Beshte said with a smile. 

"Why don't you introduce me to your pod then?" Fulio suggested. 

"What a great idea Fulio!" Beshte exclaimed. "Let's go now!" 

Fulio followed Beshte too flood plains. There was Basi, Beshte's dad, and his pod.

"Hi dad!" Beshte yelled. 

"Hello Beshte!" His father greeted back. Basi glanced at Fulio. "And who is this?"

"This is Fulio, my friend. " Beshte said. "Fulio, this is my dad, Basi."

"Pleased to meet you." Fulio said politely nodding his head. 

"Same to you, Fulio." Basi said nodding his head as well. "You new to the pride lands?" 

"Just visiting." Fulio explained. 

"I see. please, feel free to meet the rest of the pod." Basi replied. Fulio nodded then turned to go with Beshte. 

"So, I assume you're close friends with everybody?" Fulio asked. 

"Yeah, well, not as close as I am with my other friends." Beshte said. " But like I said, I know everybody." 

"Great!" Fulio said with enthusiasm. 

"Fulio, meet Zali, Vali and Kali." Beshte said, referring to 3 girl hippos. "Zali, Vali, Kali, this is Fulio." 

"Nice to meet you Fulio." One, who's name was Zali, greeted. 

"You too." Fulio greeted back.  Hmm, I guess I can start with these three, He thought.

"Beshte! Beshte!"

Everyone turned to see Ono flying towards them. 

"What's the kerbubble Ono?" Beshte asked. 

"There's an emergency at Mbali fields." Ono said. 'The lion guard needs you now!" 

"Ok, Fulio you can stay here with Zali, Vali and Kali if you like." Beshte offered. 

"I'll do just that, Beshte." Fulio replied with a smile. 'Now you run off and do your heroic hippo stuff." Beshte went off with Ono to do his "Heroic Hippo Stuff". Fulio cleared his throat once they left. 

"So... what do you girls think about Beshte?" 

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