Chapter 9

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Fuli went off on her own moping around.

Great, just great, she thought, Now chances are really low. 

Just as Fuli was thinking this, she heard someone calling her named .

"Fuli! Fuli! Wait up!" 

Fuli turned to see Tifu running towards her.

"Great, just who I wanted to see." She grumbled. "What do you want?" Fuli snapped.

Tifu seemed taken back by this. 

"Sorry, what's the matter?" Fuli asked nicely. 

Tifu took a second to recollect herself. 

"um, so I wanted to tell you something. I know it seems odd. but you seem to be one of Kion's closest friends, and unlike Bunga, you listen." Tifu said. 

Fuli nodded, a little suspicious that Tifu's wording was similar to Kions.

"I like Kion." Tifu said.

Fuli's jaw dropped. This had to be the worst day ever.

"Oh well I guess todays your lucky day. Kion likes you too." Fuli grumbled.

Tifu's eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

"Did you just say that Kion likes me?!" She asked excitedly.

"Don't make me repeat it." Fuli grumbled. 

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! See you later Fuli! I need to go!" Tifu said running off. 


As Tifu ran back to the lair she bumped into Bunga. 

"Oh, hi Bunga! Have you seen Kion?" She asked. 

"He's in the lair, how did things go with Fuli?" Bunga asked.

"Oh great! She said that Kion like me!" Tifu said excitedly.

"Oh great. now the plan is working." Bunga said.

"Wait, plan?" Tifu said confused.

"Yeah, the plan! Remember? You and Kion pretend to like each other to make Fuli jealous!" Bunga explained.

Tifu's ears went back. "Oh, so Kion doesn't really like me?" She asked.

Bunga laughed. "Pfft! No! He likes Fuli remember?" He said.

"Oh, right." Tifu said disappointed. 

"C'mon, we better go back to Kion."  Bunga said. Tifu followed him into the lair, thinking about her conversation with Bunga.

Someone else heard their conversation, 

"Wait, Kion likes Fuli?" The cheetah said.

The Fast and the Furious: Fuli X KionWhere stories live. Discover now