Chapter 2 - Ruthelia's First Day Of School!

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Picture attached is our annoying bad boy, Austin Rock. :-) ;-)
Have fun reading! -Yoli
"She's playing dumb all the time just to keep it fun, to get you on like (aah!) Be careful amigo, she's talkin and walkin just to wake you up, she'd die for your love but your love's only mine, boy."

The song "Loca" by Shakira played in my ears and I groaned, rubbing my sleepy eyes. A giggle erupted and my eyes shot open. A guilty Abigail stood beside my bed with her phone in her hand.

"You bitch!" I growled and lunged at her, throwing her to the floor and me on top.

"Ow Ruth, you're so fricken heavy," Abigail groaned under me and I glared, shifting my weight. "Apologize!" I yelled into her ear.

She winced. "Fine. I'm sorry for not waking you up earlier."

I let go of her and she scrambled up smirking. Then it dawned on me what she had said.

"Damn it!" I groaned.

She chuckled. "Anyway, get ready for school. We have to go in one hour."

"You're not my Mom!" I shouted after her. My answer was the slam of a door.

Sighing, I walked to the closet. After going through my clothes, I decided on casual. Skinny jeans, a black tank top with a sleeveless jeans vest that reached just under my chest, Black and green DC shoes, and a black and green cap thrown on sideways. I applied light makeup, fixed up my hair and eyed myself in the mirror, grinning in satisfaction. Not everyone liked DC shoes as much as I do.

I grabbed my green skateboard and ran down the stairs.

I sat down at the table and smiled brightly at my family. My mom's eyes looked me over and she smiled in satisfaction. I had a great mom, because she actually didn't mind how I dressed, as long as my boobs weren't on show.

"Pancakes!" I cheered and took 3, stacking them neatly on my plate, drizzling syrup all over. I grinned and took out my phone. I needed a picture of my first breakfast here.

"Coffee?" Mom asked me. I nodded and held my mug towards her.

"So Abby, Are you waiting to go to school?" Mom asked anxiously. Abby simply shrugged and kept eating. I noticed Mom's face drop in defeat and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'm going to school with Alex," I mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"That's great honey!" Mom smiled. I grinned back and turned to Abigail who shook her head before I could even ask her if she wanted to join. "I'll go with Mason," She replied.

I looked at Mason and he nodded indifferently.

"Ok great!" I exclaimed and looked at the time. 30 minutes to get to school. "Well I'll be off now, Mom, have a great day and please don't work too hard." I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

Grabbing my skateboard that I had placed by the door at first, I waved a hasty goodbye and ran out the door.

I threw my hands into the air and grinned. The wind whipping through my hair was chilly and I enjoyed it.

Suddenly a motorcycle drove past me, the driver revving it and I gasped, losing my footing on my skateboard.

I growled and was back on my feet in a few seconds, glaring at the motorcycle guy who was looking back at me, laughing.

I couldn't see who it was cause of the helmet. I scowled and got back on my skateboard.

I stopped abruptly by Alex's house and waited impatiently.

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