Chapter 3

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The supply closet floor has a large puddle of blood. In the corner lays a young girl. She is appears older that 14 but no older that 16. She is wearing ripped jeans, a black shirt with a multi-shade blue flannel stained red with blood and black converse. She has black, wavy long hair framing her face, black smudges surround her eyes, she must have been crying causing her make-up to run. Oliver came to my side.

"Felicity!!!Why did you scream? Are you hurt?" Oliver Said with a concerned voice. Than he noticed the young girl on the ground, he ran towards her to check for a pulse.

"She breathing, just unconscious, we need to help her" he said. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Quick, go get out the medical supplies, I'll carry her to the table"

I got to the cabinet and started taking out medical supplies my hands were shaking and I could feel tears beginning to fall Down my face. Why am I crying? I don't even know this girl, she could be an enemy for all I know. I finished getting out the supplies and turn to find Oliver holding the girl in his arms. His white tee-shirt was now covered with blood. He gently set her on the examination table and begin putting an oxygen mask on her. I took scissors and began cut up from the bottom of her shirt so we could bandage her cut leaving hole in the shirt.Oliver walks towards me so he could examine the cut, I took a step back.

"The cut is over her rib cage on the right side, definitely needs stitches, no organs have been damaged"he said

I begin taking gauzes and medical wipes,cleaning around the cut so we could avoid infection. I turned around taking the bloody gauze and wipes to throw away as Oliver begins to give her stitches. My hands and coat are now covered in blood, I walk to my chair and sit down watching Oliver give the young girl stitches.

When Oliver finishes, he gives the girl an IV of a pain killer an put a blanket over the girl covering her shoulders down. He took of his shirt and threw it away because the once white shirt now is covered in blood. He walks over to me, I could still feel tears running down my face and my hands were shaking.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned voice.

"Yes, no, maybe? I really don't know I mean, who is she? What happened to her? Can we trust her? How did she know about this place? How did she get in?" I said

"Felicity" he said softly

I ignored him and kept talking. "Does she know who we are? What we do? When did she get here? What do we do?

"Felicity" he said with a stern voice, he almost sounded angry. He took a deep breath and kneeled down so that he was at eye level with me.

"Fel-ic-ity, I don't know, but we will figure this out together". He placed his hand on my shoulder to reassure me, I felt the warmth of his hand and it felt good.

"Now common, let's gets you cleaned up" he said

I stood up, Oliver walked with me over to the bathroom. I started taking my coat off, revealing my dress. Oliver pulled my coat off of my shoulders.

"I'm sorry about your coat, I'll buy you a new one" he said

"No Oliver, you don't need to do that"

"Yes Felicity, I do. It's no big deal"

I smiled, why was Oliver being so nice to me? I mean he is always nice but this seems a little more, could he actually have feeling for me. No of course not he told me he does not he's just being friendly. I turned on the sink and started washing the blood off my hands, Oliver stood behind me with one hand on my shoulder, the other holding my coat.

Once I was done washing my hands, me and Oliver walked back to my desk.

"So what's the plan" I said

"Well Diggle called me earlier and said he won't be in today, he has the flu. So I was thinking that you don't go Into the office today and go buy the girl new clothes and yourself a new coat with my credit card and maybe pick up some Big belly burger for lunch. I'll stay here and watch the girls and figure out who she is" Oliver said

"Sounds good, She has a backpack it's in the closet still, you might be able to find something" I said

I took my purse and started walking up the stairs.

"Fel-ic-ity" Oliver called to me.


"Be careful"

"Ok" I said with a nod.

I walked up through the club and put the back doors to where my car is, I got into and turned it on. Driving to the nearest department store.

I hope you guys like it so far! Don't forget to comment. Constructive criticism is a appreciated.

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