Chapter 25

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POV: Macy

It has been two and a half weeks now, since Felicity's accident. I have been working down in the foundry instead of Felicity, talking Oliver through the missions. Although I am not as fast and as experienced as Felicity, I can still manage. I think through and plan every detail and outcome that i think that can happen and figures out a way to deal with them.

Oliver walks down the steps into the basement, his boots clattering against the medal steps, when I hear his boots against the concrete I turn around in my blue swivel chair. I remember when I first got the chair, Oliver told me it was not needed and I could sit in Felicity's chair. I did not hesitate to correct him, telling me that Felicity's chair was, to be sat in only by Felicity, and that the blue added some color to the dull neutral colored foundry, besides the green suit and Felicity's Fern

"Hey, nice job" I say to him, referring to the drug lord that He just turned over to Captain Lance's custody.

"Thanks, great job with all the computer stuff. What are you doing now?" He asks

"School work"

"School work?"

"Yes, Oliver, what do you think I don't do school stuff" He just shrugs

"I take some online college classes" I say

I walk over and set down my bow, then go and change into normal clothes.

"Hey, you should probably get going, don't you have dinner with Laurel?" I ask him.

"Not a dinner, I told her I needed to talk to her so I'm meeting her at big belly burger"

"And what do you need to talk to her about?"


"Well, if your going to breakup with her, let her down easily, please. I might not even particularly like her, but still be careful"

"Of course, I might not love her, but I care for her still"

"Does Felicity know?"


"That you breaking up with Laurel , I mean you two have been spending a fair amount of time together." I say. Felicity no longer needs someone to stay at her house with her but, Oliver had been stopping by Felicity's place every morning and night having breakfast and dinner with her. Also my sister has been spending time with her alot, and I think they are becoming good friends. I myself have not seen Felicity for a while because I have been spending most of my time here, in the foundry or at Queen Consolidated, being an 'intern', which mainly consists of me roaming the halls and helping people with computer when they need help, and thankfully the coffee maker is broken so it most definitely does not consist of me getting anyone coffee.

"Not exactly, but I'm going over later and bringing her here, the doctor cleared her for work, so I figured she could come here now. so I'm sure I'll tell her on the was over."

"Ok" I say, turning and typing in the computer, doing homework. Oliver walks over by my side.

"Macy, go home"

"No thanks" I say

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like my home, I don't fit in and my parents ask too many questions" I say and Oliver chuckles

"Says the Queen of questions herself"

"Whatever, I'll just hang here until you and Felicity get here, I haven't seen Felicity for a few days. Of course unless you two want to be alone and stuff, then I leave when you get here" I say

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