Chapter 26

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"You'll figure it out" I say to Felicity, standing behind her chair resting my hand on her shoulder. "I'll help you, anyone who hurts you is an enemy of the arrow"

"Thanks but what do I tell Macy, I mean she going to ask questions, and lots of them and I don't know what or if I should tell her" Felicity says

I stop to think about what she said, and she's right, Macy most definitely will ask a lot of questions. She's always asking me questions. Questioning why I'm the arrow, what happened on the island, asking about everything, even about me and Felicity. And then of course you have her random questions, like how long an iguanas lives, or what an ant's favorite food is. she's so similar to Felicity always curious and asking questions, but the difference about them is that Macy, has no censor no limit to her questions, which is good and bad.

"She sure does ask a bunch of questions, I need to figure out a way to mute her comm. when I'm on a mission because she asks questions non-stop" I say

Felicity laughs, "I really hope you don't want to mute me too" she says

"Not usually, your babbling is relaxing and comforting, and Macy's question can be too...sometimes" I say

"Noted, anyways what are we going to do Oliver?" She asks me

"I really don't know Felicity, can you reach out to your mother, I mean maybe one of your family members has something against Macy's family and is targeting Macy. It would not surprise me, Macy's parents have pulled some pretty big scams" I say

"Oh no, no, no, N-O, no. I can't talk to my mom about this first of all and secondly, none of my family members would do something like this. I mean sure it's not a traditional family with Vegas and all and-" she goes on babbling, I can tell by the way she talks that her family is a touchy subject

"Fel-ic-ity, it's going to be all right, it was just an idea. I'm not sure what's the situation with your relationships with you family, but, if I have learned anything from my experiences with my family is that you should let someone in and tell them about it, and also talk to your mom" I say

"I'm sorry, but I can't, I just can't Oliver!" She says getting frustrated

"Why not Fel-ic-ity?" I ask

"Because I can't Oliver, you bury your life past why can't I bury mine" she is now yelling

"Felicity you know my situation is different than yours"

"How do you know that Oliver you don't mine, you have no idea and for the record I have let someone in, and that someone is Diggle" she says

Her words echo through my head... Diggle. She let Diggle in, a good friend of hers put not her partner, her best best friend, the man she

"Why, why didn't you tell me?" I ask kinda hurt

"Because Oliver you aren't necessarily always Mr.Fluffy, and anything wrong in this world you think would be you fault and you just want to fix it, but some things you can't fix, you can try and work your butt off but,you can't fix it and you just have to move be on" she says tears running down her face "and I didn't want to put more pressure on you or tell you my story because it is nothing compared to what you have endured"

"Felicity I don't care about me, I care about you"

"Oliver don't you get that's my point, I didn't and won't tell you about my past because you will put it above your own personal problems and I can't let you do that" she says

"Felicity, your doing the same thing with me" I say now yelling at her

"No Oliver, I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not, I'm not doing the same thing as you"

"Then do inform me how your different please" I say

"Because Oliver I'm not trying to protect you just because I think you need protecting, I'm protecting not you and being careful with you because I need to to make myself feel good, if I can't be with the person I care and love than at least I can protect them and I'll feel better about myself and not like a complete failure"

"Well Felicity I don't think you could protect me if my life depended on it, so maybe you should stop pretending to protect me and just tell me the truth about your past so I can help you" I yell and I immediately regret it, Felicity instantly is hurt.

"Felicity I'm sorry" I say softly putting my hand on her shoulder but she pulls away

"No Oliver I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough in your eyes and can't be with me because I'm not strong enough and I can't protect myself or watch your back in a battle like, Sarah, McKenna, Shado, or Helena. And I'm sorry that thought that I know you but, I guess I don't because the man that I thought I know would never talk to be air anyone like that and he would be such a hypocrite and invasive of my personal space" she says yelling, while tears stream down her face. I try to but in but she keeps talking "And do you know what I'm sorry for the most, I'm sorry that I thought that I loved you and cared for you, because I guess I truly don't if I don't know what your true side is....and honestly your starting to make me wonder if Oliver Queen still exists or if it's just the arrow"

"Felicity" I say

"No Oliver just go, I'll talk to my
Mom, for Macy's sake and I will find this person for Macy. But once I do I'm done with this, I want so much more than to be living in this cave my who life, I want a relationship and a family, and the only thing that was keeping me here was you, but now I'm done with your crusade and I'm done, just leave. I'll call Diggle to get me wen I'm done"

I begin to walk up the stairs, tears running down my face, I turn around and tell Felicity I'm sorry, she just wipes tears away from her eyes and continues typing.

I walk upstairs to The club were music blast and people are backed together dancing to the music a drink it there hands, I go to the bar and get a drink. I just lost my partner, my employee, my best friend, the women I love...i just lost my girl and true fully I don't know how I got to this point to lose her....and I don't know how or if I'll get her back.

hey! I hope you guys like this chapter, I can't really decide myself if I like it, please comment your thoughts!

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