Chapter 19

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POV: Felicity
I wake up to find myself in my bed, with my covers pulled up to my shoulders and my leg elevated on a pillow, Oliver must have moved me. I remember last night, how sweet he was and how he let me put my head in his lap. I slowly sit up and notice the time on the clock it reads 10:00, Oliver must have turned off my alarm clock.

"hey" Oliver says knocking on the door frame

"Hi" I say

"Sleep good?" He asks

"Yep, like a baby, which I don't get while people use that expression considering the fact that babies, at least in my experience, don't sleep that well. Instead they just cry every two hours to be fed or to have their diapers changed. Dont get me wrong though babies are adorable. I'm babbling and you probably don't care" I say and then look down at my blankets embarrassed

"Hey, no your fine, I like when you babble I learn new stuff and learn how you think" Oliver says and then comes and sits by me on the side of the bed.

"Yes how I think, well I think of computer and science stuff so you can catch the bad guys and how babies sleep" I say and Oliver laughs then looks in my eyes.

"Thanks for everything your doing for me it's very kind of you" I say

"No problem anything for a-" then he stops and pauses

"Friend" I finish for him, hesitantly wishing we were more.

"Yep, just what I was going to say"

Oliver then picks me up and takes me to the living room, where a tray of food lays on the table. I begin eating the food and Oliver sits next to me eating, we both look over to Macy, who is sitting on the floor with papers spread around her and is typing on a laptop. Macy then suddenly hits the keys faster and louder then slams the laptop shut and puts her head in her hands.

"Everything ok Macy?" Oliver asks

"No, everything is not okay, I can't find a single trace of the people that attacked Felicity"

"And you" I say

"I'm not worried about what happens to me, it others that I care about" she says

"You should care about yourself too and take a break and go home or hangout with some friends" Oliver says and I nod in agreement

"I don't have friends" she says

"Well, make some or go home and spend time with you family" I say

"I can't believe what's coming out of your mouths, you both care about others more than you care about yourselves. And I want to help you guys with protecting this city"

"Your right, but I'm not sure if you should help us" Oliver says

"You guys keep changing your minds, if you don't want me to help then I won't help your guys, I'll just do it on my own"

"Macy, we just don't want you to get hurt, and we don't want you to become like us" I say

"I'm not made out of glass and you guys know it. And it's too late for me not to turn out like you guys."

"Why do you want to work with us so much?" Oliver asks

"Because we all have something in common, we all care about others more than ourselves and want to make a difference. The reason why we care about others more then ourselves is because we are trying to escape our hardships and problems, hoping that if we don't pay attention to them they will go away. The truth is that they won't go away, but we can forget about them for a while but they don't go away until you fight them off. My whole life so far I have been trying to get away from my problems and hardships by hiding behind a books or computers learning new stuff and dreaming, but, that's no longer working and my demons are catching up to me. If you guys let me help you maybe some of your strengths with help me so i can fight my demons and face my problems, then i'll leave you alone. life is full of puzzles and puzzle pieces. I think I need you guys to be the missing puzzle pieces in my life, so I can be complete."

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